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“No. Tom’s calling Boone.”

“Like that’ll do any good.”

“That’s what I told him.”

“We need to call the cops,” Lia said.

“I’ll call my dad and see what he says.”

“Your dad?” Lia asked. “He’s across the state.”

“He not only knows the law, but is an expert on missing people.”

“Just hurry. We’re losing valuable time.”

“My dad will know what we should do.” Ariana called her dad.

“Ari, sweetheart—” he answered.

“Dad, I have an important question. No time for small talk.”

“What is it?” he asked, his tone now worried.

She explained the situation. “What can we do? Is Rita considered missing at this point?”

“She was last seen yesterday morning?”

“No. That’s when she left for work. She usually leaves in the evening. Her employees would’ve seen her around ten.”

“Nobody’s seen her since? What about her car?”

“Missing. Her phone keeps going to voicemail too.”

“Has she posted anything to social media?” asked Dad.

“I didn’t think to look.” Ari said, her face warming. How had she and Lia not thought of that, but her dad had?

“Check, and if there isn’t anything,” he said, “then call the police. At least get the ball rolling.”

“Thanks, I really appreciate it.”

“Always glad to help. Let me know what you find out.”

“Will do.”

They said goodbye, and Ariana checked their usual social media apps.

Nothing since the day before on any of Rita’s accounts. She’d posted a picture of a new cocktail the restaurant was going to introduce over the weekend.

Ariana went back to the window. “Can you get into the house?”

Tom shook his head. “Boone won’t allow it.”

“Does he not realize the seriousness of this? His wife is missing.”

“He thinks she’s fine.”

“He’d be more concerned if it was his girlfriend missing,” she muttered.

“Can’t speak to that,” Tom said.

He probably knew all about the mistress. Probably knew about plenty in the neighborhood. But that was neither here nor there.

Ariana leaned closer. “If the police ask for help, can you give it to them?”

“Of course.”

She hurried back to her car. Called the local police.

“I need to file a missing person report.”
