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Her phone rang.

Ariana slunk all the way down in her seat as Boone drove past.

She accepted the call. “I’m on my way.”

“You sure?” Damon asked.

“Yes. I got held up because Boone left the house and kissed some other woman. I got pictures.”

“What are you going to do with those?”

“Show them to the detective.” Ariana peeked out to make sure Boone’s car wasn’t in sight, then she started her engine. “Did you already get a table?”

“Yes, and I have my coffee.”

“Order my usual. I’ll be there in a few.”

They said goodbye, and Ariana’s mind raced as she drove. The police couldn’t ignore the photos. Proof that Boone had motive in Rita’s disappearance. Since he was seeing someone else, he had reason to want his wife out of the picture. Men had done less to their wives when wanting out of a marriage.

But what had he done to Rita? Was she still alive?

Those were questions that would take far more spying to answer.

After she parked at the restaurant, Ariana texted a few of the best photos to the detective. She could give her the rest if the detective needed more proof.

It likely wouldn’t be enough to get him arrested, but they should be able to bring him in for questioning. Hold him for a while. Press the two-timing, potential-kidnapper for answers. Nail him as the primary suspect.

Maybe Ariana should’ve pursued a career in detective work.


She didn’t want more stress. Writing books, podcasting, and speaking was how she reached victims before they became victims. The skills she and Damon spoke about had already helped women and girls avoid abductions. This was the work she was meant for.

Even if it hadn’t helped her friend.

And it gave her more free time. If she had become a policewoman, she wouldn’t be able to have spur of the moment breakfasts with Damon like the one she was about to enjoy.

She stepped out of the car and took a deep breath of the fresh morning air. It smelled of victory.

A hand grasped her arm. Hard.

Ariana turned.


Blood drained from her head.

He squeezed hard enough to leave marks. “You think I didn’t see you at her house?”

“What are you talking about?” Ariana asked, trying to keep her tone light.

Boone stepped closer, and their noses almost touched.

She could smell the woman’s flowery perfume on him.

“Don’t play coy with me,” he snarled. “I warned you.”

“What did you do to Rita?”
