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“He’s definitely hiding something.” She took a bite of food, and this time it had a little flavor.

“Should we call your dad and ask him what to do?”

“Maybe,” Ari said, and sipped her coffee. Not that she needed any energy it could offer. She was already buzzed. But at least she’d distracted Damon from asking more about Boone. It was too embarrassing to talk about.

He finished his meal before Ariana was halfway through hers. “I’m going to call your dad. He’ll know what to do.”

She couldn’t argue with that. He knew more about how to solve kidnappings than almost anyone. It had all started with Ari’s own abduction, and it had grown into an obsession from there. He’d started a blog on the topic that had exploded in popularity and eventually led to him becoming a police detective.

Ariana picked at her food while listening to Damon’s side of the conversation. She could imagine what her dad was saying on the other end.

She’d picked up plenty along the way as Alex Mercer’s daughter. He had brought his work home with him more often than not, and despite trying to shelter her, she’d learned a lot. The work had seemed exciting, which was why she had initially gone into pre-law in college.

She was much happier with the path she’d chosen. But it hadn’t stopped her from landing right where she was, with her best friend kidnapped.

Ari and Damon had spent so much time writing their books and preparing their podcasts and interviews that they hadn’t done enough for the people they loved.

Guilt seared through her, squeezing her throat.

If only she’d done more, Rita might not be missing.

She needed to make sure nobody else in her life got abducted ever again. But how? Give out free copies of her and Damon’s books? Offer classes in her home? Verbally vomit information on friends and acquaintances, whether or not they wanted it?

If that was what it took, she’d do all of that and more.

Her phone rang.

Probably the detective. Maybe Boone, wanting to add more to his threats.

She checked her screen.


Had she heard something about Rita?

Ariana fumbled to answer the call. “Did you hear from her?”

“I wish,” Lia said. “Charles and I are going to the bar and grill to ask more questions. Want to join us?”

“Yes. Damon and I are just finishing breakfast. We’ll meet you there.”

“Perfect. Are you okay?”

“Our best friend is missing, so no.”

“Is anything else bothering you?” Lia asked. “You sound shaken.”

Was she always so easy to read?

“Are you okay, sweetie?” Lia asked.

“We’ll talk later.”

“Is everything okay between you and Damon?”

“It has nothing to do with him. It’s about Boone.”

“Tell me everything.”
