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Ariana leaned against Lia as they watched the police scour the park for more evidence. “Do you think she’s okay?”

Lia shook. “I want to believe she is, but why would one of her shoes be in the park? Just one?”

“It doesn’t make any sense. Not if she just went to see her parents — or whatever story Boone said.”

“He’s obviously lying.”

“Yeah,” Ariana said. “Now we have proof.”

“Is it enough to put him behind bars?”

“Only if anything they find points to his guilt. Not caring about his wife isn’t a crime.”

“It should be,” Lia said.

“Should we join the guys?” Ari asked.

Damon and Charles were looking in other areas around the restaurant for any other clues to Rita’s whereabouts.

Lia continued to shake. “Part of me wants to join them, but I also want to be here if the police find more. Was her shoe bloody? Or torn?”

It was all a blur in Ari’s mind. “It was a red pump. If there was any blood, I didn’t notice.”

“But it was her shoe? You’re sure?”

“One hundred percent. I remember her showing them off after she bought them. She loves those heels.”

“You don’t think it could be a coincidence?” Lia asked. “That someone else lost a similar shoe?”

“The day after she disappeared? In the park right by her restaurant? No.”

Lia sighed. “This sucks. I wish she’d answer her phone.”

“You and me both.”

“We have to do something.”

“Let’s join the guys,” Ari said.

Lia’s glance lingered on the police in the park. “Okay. At least we’ll be doing something. I can’t just stand here another moment.”

They made their way down the road to the other side of the bar and grill. Two officers were looking around the employee parking lot. There were so many police on this now, it had to be the town’s entire force. Either that, or they’d called for backup.

Finally, they were taking the case seriously.

Damon and Charles were in the parking lot of a few small specialty stores.

“Find anything?” Lia asked them.

“Nothing,” Damon said. “It would appear that Rita didn’t come this way.”

“Maybe Lia and I should look,” Ariana said. “We’d be more likely to notice something belonging to her.”

“Have at it.”

Ariana and Lia split up, looking high and low.
