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Ariana tried to push away the memories of her own abduction, of other traumatic events she’d lived through. Gotten therapy for and moved past.

Until now.

With Rita missing, everything was fresh again. And for some reason Damon was trying to act macho — like Ari was a damsel to be protected.

As if.

He hadn’t needed a man-to-man talk with Boone. Ariana could handle herself.

Couldn’t he see that after all this time together?

At the very least, they could’ve confronted their neighbor together.

It was all too much, this plus the stress of not knowing where Rita was. Or if she was even alive.

When she thought of what her friend must be going through, her lungs closed. Would she ever see her again? Rita was tough as nails, but even that might not be enough, depending on what Boone’s plans were.

No. She would survive. Ariana had survived plenty, and Rita would too. She had to. Ari had to hold on to that.

In the meantime, she would do whatever it took to find her friend. At least the police had her shoe. They knew something was wrong — she hadn’t just run away to spend time with her mom, as Boone claimed. And Ariana had given them the pictures of him with his mistress. He had reason to lie.

They would put on the pressure. Do what it took to find Rita.

Hopefully before it was too late.

Now she needed to focus on tonight. It wasn’t much time to put together a vigil, but between Lia, Charles, Damon and Ari, they should have enough to pull off the impossible. Not like it had to be perfect. They just needed to get as much attention on the case as possible.

But first she’d have to speak with Damon. They hardly ever had arguments like this one.

Surely he could see her side. He knew how she felt about things like this. When he’d confronted Boone, he’d had to have known she wouldn’t want him doing that on her behalf, that she was capable herself.

That was why he’d gone over while she slept.

It made her head spin. More than anything, she wanted to wrap her arms around him and let his embrace comfort her.

They were a team. Not in some archaic patriarchal marriage.

She didn’t need defending.

It was maddening.

Ariana found her phone and texted Lia to see how they were coming along with the vigil.

She responded right away.

Lia: So many people are posting and volunteering! We’ll have everything we need. Several people are printing fliers and others are bringing candles.

Ari: Perfect! Anything Damon and I can do?

Lia: Keep getting the word out. I saw your podcast posted.

Ari: Still want us to come over soon?

Lia: Whenever you’re ready.

Ari: Great. See you soon.
