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She couldn’t go back on that. Not on something so monumental as their love.

He turned his attention back to the park. While lost in his thoughts, the crowd had tripled.

So many people loved Rita. But not in the same way he loved her. They didn’t provide for her. He was the only person she relied on now. Not those friends she never stopped talking about. Not anyone else.

Just him.

If she was agreeable later, he’d tell her all about this vigil.

No. Then she’d think she could get away. That others cared as much as he did.

She needed to think he was the only one who cared about her. Otherwise she wouldn’t see her need for him.

And that was the truth. Nobody loved her more than he did. That was why they needed to be together.

Rita couldn’t be with anyone else. Ever.

She was his most prized possession.

What made her think she could tell him no? That she could do what she wanted? She’d practically promised him they would be together for all time.

That wasn’t something she could go back on.

She was lucky holding her in the room was all he would do to keep her. He could hurt her. Some men did that with their women.

Not him. He was one of the good guys.

But he wouldn’t let her run free and wild like so many women did these days. Men today were such pansies, acting like they weren’t in charge. Handing over the reins to women. Letting them think they were in charge.

What a joke.

Like Rita’s friends and their idiot husbands. Those men were an insult to the male race. Weak, pathetic.

They were exactly what was wrong with this world. Men like them who worshiped feminists. Things had been so much better in the old days.

It was unfortunate he and Rita hadn’t been born in those times. Then, he’d have had the law on his side as he demanded obedience from his woman. Now, he had to get creative.

Not that it mattered. He would continue his ways. The right ways.

He’d get what he wanted one way or another. However, he wouldn’t wait forever for her to realize how things were.

If she wouldn’t comply on her own, he’d force her hand. But he’d give her the benefit of the doubt for now. Give her the chance to make the right decision on her own.

Just had to wait it out. Extend her enough time to realize her misbeliefs. Acknowledge that she actually needed him, and that she’d be so much happier once she gave up her own notions and relied on him for her happiness and survival.

Then he’d let her free from her restraints. Maybe even let her out of the room.

But she’d have to prove herself first. And that would take time.

A lot of it.

That woman was too independent. Had too much of modern society in her head.

Brainwashed, like so many these days.

The problem was the men who supported the notions. Like all the losers gathered here at this park. They all needed to be taken out. He’d gladly do it himself, but that would take too much effort.

Besides, he didn’t require society to change. All he wanted was for his woman to fall in line.

She was the only one who mattered.

The rest of the world could go to hell for all he cared.
