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“My friend’s life could be at stake, you’d better believe I am. I just want answers.”

“And then you’ll leave me alone after this?” Boone asked.

“I can’t make any promises.”

Damon nudged her.

“Well, I can’t. Like I said, my friend’s life is at stake.”

Boone leaned forward. “I need your word.”

“Why? That wasn’t good enough a moment ago. We had to file a legal document.”

“I’m about to tell you something that cannot get out. It will destroy me.”

“But your wife’s disappearance hasn’t done that?” Ariana asked.

Now it looked like he was holding back from throwing his drink on her. “Let me clarify. What I’m about to say could ruin my reputation, my career.”

“Carry on.”

“You can’t tell anyone.”

“We know,” Ariana said. Rita definitely deserved a gold medal for living with Boone as long as she had.

“The police have removed me from their persons of interest list because I have receipts proving I was nowhere near the restaurant — or the park or the lake — that night.”

Damon lifted a brow. “And that requires an NDA?”

“What I’m about to tell you does.”

“Let’s hear it.”

Boone licked his lips, ran his fingers through his hair. Leaned closer and spoke barely above a whisper. “I purchased items to burn down that damn bar and grill.”

Ariana gasped. That was too horrible, even for him.

“I hoped the police wouldn’t pay that close of attention,” Boone continued. “All they needed was to look at the time stamps and see my name on them since I paid with credit cards. I used different cards at different stores, not wanting to get caught. But leave it to Rita to go missing at the same time, forcing me to show the receipts.”

“They didn’t arrest you?” Damon asked. “Did you confess to it?”

“I didn’t actually commit any crime. All they could do was take the items. I’m probably on some watch list now, and will get arrested if I buy anything suspicious again.”

“Why would you burn down the restaurant?” Ariana asked.

“Not so loud,” Boone snapped.


“You really have to ask?” he said.

“I’ve never attempted arson, so yes.”

He looked down. “I thought it might bring us together.”

“You what?” Ariana exclaimed.

A few people stared.
