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“Damon and I just met him.”

“Shut the front door! He’s the exterminator you were telling us about?”

“Yes.” Ariana grabbed the other pics and flipped through them. There were a few of him alone, but most were of him and Rita together. They were the perfect happy couple.

“You’re sure that’s him?”

“No doubt.”

“This is huge. He has to be Mitch. Now we have a face, and we know he was snooping around her house. I wonder if he was at the vigil.” She pulled out her phone and tapped the screen furiously.

Ariana grabbed a manila file full of papers. Opened it.

Pictures. All of Rita with various men. They were in black and white, and all a little fuzzy.

“What’s that?” Lia asked.

“Do you think someone was blackmailing her?” Ari asked, and handed her the file.

Lia flipped through the pictures. “That would be my guess. These photos all look like they were taken through a dirty window.”

Bile rose into Ari’s mouth. “It’s like she was living a double life.”

“Maybe she was. We already knew she wouldn’t talk about her boyfriends.”

“Boone said something about them having a prenup. He said she wouldn’t get anything if she cheated. Actually, he did say he has proof of her having an affair.”

“He has to be guilty,” Lia said. “I don’t care what his alibi is.”

“But he could just divorce her, and she wouldn’t get anything from him. He could easily cut his losses without kidnapping her. Why do something so risky when he has nothing to lose?”

Lia frowned. “You do have a point. Unless he just wants her out of the picture. It could be easier than a divorce.”

“But if she doesn’t get any of his stuff, then why would he care?”

“She would want things they got together. If the house is theirs, she would be entitled to half.”

“Unless that was written in the prenup,” Ariana said. Then a terrible thought hit her.

She hated herself for even thinking it.

“I know that look,” Lia said. “What are you thinking?”

“It’s stupid.”

“All the more reason to tell me.”

“No,” Ariana said. “It makes Rita look bad. It was one of those fleeting thoughts that’s better left unsaid.”

“We can’t leave any stone unturned. And we already have to admit we might not know Rita like we thought we did.”

“Because she hid a brand new pregnancy from us?” Ari asked.

“Obviously. When I get pregnant, you and Rita will be the first people I tell.”

“After Charles.”

