Page 117 of Firestarter

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“I can’t seriously be expected to hide away in some mountain with a bunch of creeps.”

“That’s not what I meant,” she said. “Of course not. Those people are not the way to go. We have other options though.” She glanced at Dad. “Your father and I have spoken about this before. Perhaps living somewhere remote would protect you better than being stuck in this town. She’s right about your gift harming you. If there’s less death around, you’ll survive longer, give you more time to learn how to control it.”

I gaped at her. “That’s what you talk about? So, what, I live in isolation? That’s the big plan?”

“You’d live with us,” she said. “Somewhere there aren’t other people.”

“Then what? Am I supposed to live alone after you two die?”

“That’s not what I meant either,” Mam said. “I’m sorry. I don't know what else to do.”

“You aren’t going to start talking about me going to the compound, are you?”

“Vira might have been right about some things,” Dad said, “but she ran away from her people for a reason. There’s no way you’re going there, no matter what.”

That was only slightly reassuring. “Can we get out of here?” I asked. “I need to be anywhere but here.” There was no longer a light at the end of the tunnel, and I had no idea what to do about that.
