Page 118 of Firestarter

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Chapter 34


From Byron’s living room window, I noticed Margo’s family drive away from our property. “They’re leaving. They didn’t even say goodbye.”

“It may have gone badly,” Perdita said. “Poor Margo. She must be so disappointed.”

“I’m going to talk to Vira,” I said. “This is stupid. We need her to help us!”

“This is between them,” Perdita said. “We can’t interfere in every aspect of that poor girl’s life. They need time to adjust.”

“Vira might run,” Byron said. “She’s been looking for an excuse.”

“Go, Dorian,” Nathan said. “Check on her to make sure she hasn’t done anything stupid.”

I hesitated for a second before racing out the door, ignoring Perdita calling me back. Vira was flakey. I didn’t trust her to stick around.

I couldn’t see her, but I caught her scent, then her cold aura, only to find her halfway down the road, her bag on her back.

“Stop it!” I cried out after her. “Wait a minute!”

I caught up to her. She looked cold and impatient. “I’m leaving before it’s too late,” she spat. “Leave me be.”

“What are you doing?” I asked. “Why aren’t you helping Margo?”

“She doesn’t want my help,” she said bitterly. “You animals saw to that.”

“What are you talking about? What happened?”

“She won’t listen to reason, so I’m leaving before I get caught up in this mess.”

“This mess?” I couldn’t understand her. “She’s your daughter!”

She looked disgusted. “You have no idea what I risk by being here. You don’t know how I live. You think you’re so great now, with a strong alpha leading you to renewed growth. That doesn’t make you strong. That makes you a target. You have no idea what you’re heading towards.”

“Then tell me,” I demanded. “Stop with the cryptic warnings already, and spit it out.”

“All I get to hear are whispers and threats. I just want this nightmare to be over.”

I laid my hand on her arm. She didn’t flinch away. “Tell me what you’ve heard. Even if it’s a rumour, even if you’re not sure, I’d still like to hear it.”

She looked torn between speaking to me and running away. “I know that some of my people want your kind dead. They say your existence makes it harder for us to control what we wield from childhood. We.” She scoffed softly. “They. They smother the ability in women to protect us from it.”

“That must be difficult.”

She dipped her head and bit on her lower lip, reminding me of Perdita’s little brother whenever he was caught in a lie. “Some say it would be impossible to protect us if your people grow strong again. If you upset the balance.”

“Only some?”

“Most of our Elders no longer see your kind as a threat. Your numbers are small.” She met my gaze. “But growing.”

“What do you think?”

Surprise made her stutter. “I? I think that every loss of control is one step closer to death’s true embrace. Your life is slowly killing the child I risked everything to hide, and there’s not a thing I can do to stop it.” She fiercely swiped at a sudden tear, reminding me of Margo.

“You are like her, after all,” I said in wonder. “Just now, you were exactly like her.”

She flinched. “We’re nothing alike. She has yet to understand the lessons I learned the hard way.”
