Page 43 of Shapeshifter

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I followed his gaze. Jeremy was standing at the entrance of Byron’s home, his chest puffed out and a smug look on his face. Multiple members of the pack practically bowed at his feet in their hurry to give him gifts.

“Baby gifts,” I said, though their behaviour irked.

“They’re acting like he’s the king or something.” Victor made a sound of disgust. “He’s just a bully.”

“Says you,” I couldn’t resist retorting. “Get inside before he sees us and makes us pay tribute.”

“He warned me to stay away.”

I stopped and stared at him. “What do you mean?”

“Jeremy. Told me to back off, that Perdita’s health was at risk with me being around.” He rubbed the back of his head. “I don’t know. He made it sound like Nathan wasn’t taking good care of her or something.”

I glared at Jeremy. “What a prick.”

As though he heard me, he turned and glowered in our direction. I couldn’t stare back for long, so I urged Victor to get inside.

Victor grumbled under his breath but obeyed. Inside the house, he stopped short when he saw Perdita sitting at the table. He glanced at me. “Maybe I should come back later.”

“Not at all,” Perdita said. “Come in and have something to eat.”

“Jeremy told him not to come here anymore,” I blurted.

“Jeremy should mind his own business.” She snorted. “The cheek of him.”

Victor scratched the back of his head, looking uncharacteristically sheepish. “I know I’ve been over a lot lately.”

“You’re welcome here anytime,” she said.

“Nathan probably wouldn’t—”

“Nathan!” She shouted.

Victor took a step back in horror as Nathan came running down the stairs. He might have escaped altogether if I didn’t block the door.

“What’s wrong?” Nathan asked urgently.

“Nothing,” Perdita said. “Tell Victor he’s always welcome here. He thinks he’s in the way.”

Nathan visibly relaxed. “Is that all? Victor, you can stay over any time you want, all right?”

“It’s fine.” Victor looked embarrassed. “I don’t have to—”

“Listen,” Nathan said impatiently. “She’s going to keep us standing here until you act like you believe me, so just accept it, okay? You’re a part of the pack, you’re Dorian’s friend, and we have no problem with you hanging around. Understand?”

Victor nodded, looking humbled.

“Great. I have work to do. You two can give me a hand if you have nothing else to do.”

We spent the rest of the afternoon doing repair work with Nathan, and Victor slowly grew more comfortable.

After dinner, we headed over to Margo’s house to drop in a bag of tools that Nathan had borrowed from Niall Harding.

Margo seemed happy to see us as she accepted the tools. “I heard Byron’s son showed up.”

Victor and I exchanged an irritated glance. “Yeah,” I said. “Isn’t he amazing?”

“Really?” Margo shrugged. “Amelia made him sound like a bit of an arsehole.”
