Page 8 of Shapeshifter

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“Oh, dear,” Margo said. “Sounds like everybody’s night got ruined.” She pushed me off her, the moment gone. “I should get going before we get caught again. It’s way too easy to go too far when you’re like this.”

I put a small distance between us on the sofa as she fixed her hair. “Is it too far? Or is it the place?”

She bit her lower lip. “I’m not sure. I should know when the time is right.”

“We have plenty of time to choose from.” I kissed her. Her lips trembled against mine, but I pushed aside the niggling sense of doubt. Everything was perfect. Nothing was wrong.

I took her hand and helped her to her feet. “Come on. I’ll walk you.”

She kissed me one last time, this one more confident. “Thanks.”

We held hands as we left the house and headed back to hers. Outside, we caught sight of Victor and Alison wrapped up in a passionate kiss against the gate. They didn’t acknowledge us as we passed.

“That was unexpected,” Margo said when we were out of earshot.

“One of those nights,” I said, squeezing her hand.

She glanced back, a small frown furrowing her forehead.

”What’s wrong?”

“Is that normal? Everybody hooking up or whatever? Or are they together now?”

“Those two?” I tried not to laugh. “That’s a pairing that would never work out. They’re blowing off steam.”

“What about you? What did you do to blow off steam before I came along?”

“Me? Mostly I was the loner. Good thing you showed up to make life more interesting.”

She looked at me and smiled, a true, happy smile that warmed me from the inside out. “So much has happened since we first met. My life must have been so boring before. I’m so happy I moved here, Dorian. I’m so glad I met you.”

I stopped walking to wrap my arms around her, touched by the sincerity and warmth in her words. “Me, too.”

Pieces kept falling into place, one by one. We were both where we finally belonged. I had to believe that.

Byron wason an attracting bees to the garden kick, obviously forgetting how annoying they could be if they turned on you. Victor and I had been conscripted to help plant spring flowers in front of the alpha’s house.

Victor had been quiet but calm all morning, so when he suddenly tensed, aggression and agitation flooding out of him, I stopped what I was doing to look around.

And then I dropped the trowel I was holding.


Margo’s birth mother strolled towards us, carefully attempting to hide a limp in her left leg.

“She’s hurt,” I murmured. “Victor, get Byron. I’ll make sure she doesn’t freak out and leave.”

I hurried over to her while he dashed off without argument. She stopped walking, letting me come to her.

“You’re back.” I glanced over my shoulder. Nobody was around. “We didn’t expect to see you again.”

She hesitated then dropped the shawl covering her head around her shoulders. “I bring word from my people,” she said in an emotionless voice. Her cheeks were gaunt, and her eyes disturbingly blank.

A warning chill ran down my back. “Are you all right?” I asked, concerned by her appearance.

She licked her pale chapped lips, readying herself to speak, I thought, but then a sound behind me caught her attention, and she bowed her head again.

“Vira,” Byron said, reaching my side. Nathan, Ryan, and Amelia caught up to us as he asked, “Are you hurt?”

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