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“Sure thing,” Viv answers with a smile. “I’m hosting at mine and Nate’s place. Cris is coming too. The boys are converging at Benji’s. I’m glad to meet you, Calista. More glad that you’re coming.”

“I wouldn’t miss it.”

Vivian eats another bite of the tofish and chews slowly. “Tarragon, for sure. Did you consider adding chopped capers to the marinade?”

“Capers. Vivian. Will you marry me?” my sister asks.

“Sorry, toots. I’m spoken for.” She hops off the stool. “I have to run. Saturday. Eight o’clock. We have plenty of spirits but, Tal, bring your favorite Archer Owen story. We’re sharing all. Goodbye, ladies.”

“Bye, Viv.”

She leaves, and Calista shakes her head. “She could be your sister-in-law if you play your cards right.”

“Do not start.”

“When’s Archer coming home today? I have a plate of bribery to take him.” Lis munches on a fry.

“For the third time, you don’t have to bribe him. Honestly, I don’t know his schedule this week. He has a lot going on.” I pay attention to my lunch.

“You should take it to him. Men like to be brought dinner. Besides, you’ve been avoiding him this week.”

“I have not.”

“When have you spoken to him?”

“Other than cc’ing him on a company email?”

She folds her arms and gives me a know-it-all smirk.

“Fine. I’ll take over the tofish.” I roll my eyes for effect, though I am slightly nervous. Maybe it was Viv’s inference to bring a story about him, like I’m already part of the family.

“Don’t tell him it’s not fish. I want an honest carnivore’s reaction. Also, if you return home late, or not at all, you will owe me a massive amount of gratitude. And, at your discretion, lots of details. I haven’t been laid in a few months. I’m afraid I’m forgetting how to do it.”

I chuckle at her plight. “You mean in your desperation you didn’t call Webber?”

She wrinkles her nose. “Ew. Are you sure there’s not a spare Owen brother floating around?”

“Pretty sure the Owens are done adopting boys who grow into gorgeous men.”

“What about a stray cousin?” She refills her wine glass. “Or a good friend who’s like a brother and is also a foodie?”

“With an ass like Julio’s?” I prompt. She deserves it for what she’s putting me through with Archer. She blushes. Got her.

“With an attitude like Julio’s, he has to have a great ass or he’d be unbearable.” Her frown is tepid, if it’s a frown at all. “He’d better let me put this faux fish on the menu, or I will have his balls.”

“He’d probably like that too,” I tell her, and she wads up her napkin and bounces it off my nose.


I change into jeans and a Henley and pace into the kitchen to find dinner. Nate and I grabbed a late lunch after we visited the spa, but somehow I’m hungry already. I pop open the fridge where there is leftover Chinese food, a couple of apples, and a bag of salad mix that has seen better days.

I shut the fridge and uncork a half-full bottle of wine I opened last night. Alone.

I didn’t want to drink alone, but I wasn’t willing to bust in on Talia’s sister time with Calista. I survived many a lonely night without Talia before she lived next door, and I should be able to do it again. The bitch of it is, I’d prefer her here all the time, which makes me worry unnecessarily about her leaving when the spa opens.

“Find your balls, man,” I mutter as I pour myself a glass of red. Halfway to the living room to watch TV I most assuredly won’t enjoy, I hear the door open and a sweet voice say my name.

“Hi.” Fresh-faced, smiling Talia, her hair wavy and everywhere at once, is standing in my kitchen with a container in her hands. “Lis cooked dinner. She wants you to try it.”

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