Page 42 of Catastrophe Magnet

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My neck arches as pleasure sweeps through me. “Oh, God. So good,” I moan as Arlo sets his pace. Long drag, then thrust, long drag, thrust.

“Fuck, you’re tight, Keeds. Feels so good around my cock.”

Hands in his hair, I tug his face to mine, and we kiss like we’ll die if we don’t and his big, beautiful dick slams inside me over and over again. In-out, in-out, in-out, until my thighs are quivering around his hips and his pace begins to falter.

“Where do you want it? Can I come inside your perfect pussy?” he asks, and I love that he asks.

I nod. “Yes, please, I want to feel you.”

Propping himself on his elbows, his forearms slide under my shoulder to wrap around them, holding me in place, then he pounds into me, hard and fast. I cry out, my orgasm building to blistering levels, my body clenching tight.

“Yes, baby, come on my dick,” he growls, biting down on the curve of my throat.

My toes curl, my back arches, and I explode.

Arlo moans, “Fuuuck, so tight.” Then he tenses, his hips spasming as his hard thrusts slow, and he comes inside me.

Another Month Later

Nervous energy zips through my body as I approach mydad’s office.I’m anxious as hell about this conversation. But after a lot of thought, self-examination, and a butt load of encouragement from Arlo, I know this is the right thing for me.

Bosco presses his nose against my bare calf, letting me know he’s got my back. It gives me the confidence to take the final step inside Dad’s domain. He lifts his gaze from a file he’s perusing on his desk, then flips it closed when I silently take a seat across from him.

I squirm under his scrutinizing stare as he watches me for a long moment before asking, “What’s up, princess?”

My fingers lace together so tightly in my lap that my knuckles turn white. “I was talking to Miss. Gertie at the bakery the other week and she asked if I’d like to, umm…” I swallow, apprehension flooding my brain, telling me to shut up and get out of here. This is a stupid idea, and I should just stick to what I know.

“She asked you…?” Dad asks in a gentle tone.

I take a deep breath, Arlo’s words from this morning echoing in my head—You deserve to do something you love with your life—and they steel my resolve. “She asked me if I’d like to go work with her at the bakery, to learn from her.”

A warm smile lights his face. “And what did you tell her?”

“That I needed to think about it.”

He nods. “That’s reasonable. And what did you decide?”

“I want to do it. But Hunters & Co. is all I know. This is my life, my family. It’s what we do, and I—”

“You need to follow your own path, Kida. We will always be your family, no matter where you spend your days. This line of work isn’t for everyone, and I’m sorry if I ever made you feel like this was the only option open to you.” He pushes his chair out from his desk and stands before coming around to crouch in front of me. “You’ll always be one of my princesses, and all I’ve ever wanted is for you girls to be happy. If this will make you happy, baby, do it.”

Tears sting my eyes as I lurch toward him, wrapping my arms around his neck. “Thank you, Daddy.”

His big hand rubs my back in soothing circles just like he did when I was little. “Anything for my princesses,” he murmurs into my hair.

“What’s going on in here?” Meg asks, standing in the doorway.

Belle, Ariel, and Snow materialize a second later, frowns directed at Dad and me.

I pry myself away from his warm embrace, scrub my hands over my teary eyes, and smile at my sisters. “I quit,” I announce. “I’m going to be a baker.”

Meg’s brows disappear under her bangs, and Belle grins, pride shining in her gaze as Ariel and Snow share relieved glances at each other.

“Oh, thank God,” Val’s voice sounds from behind them.

Snow strikes like a viper, her hand shooting out to pinch then twist Val’s nipple in a vicious nipple cripple. He squeals like a girl, slapping at her hand until she releases him. “Shoo, Valentine, before I give the other one the same attention,” Snow snaps, and he obeys.

I grin at her, and she winks back at me. “Nobody says shit about the Hunter sisters. Not even our surrogate brother.”
