Page 43 of Catastrophe Magnet

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Belle cringes. “That just doesn’t sound right. Val is not our brother.”

Snow smirks at her. “He kinda is. He’s been around our whole lives. We bathed together as children. He—”

“Okay. You’ve made your point. But I think the termclose family friendis sufficient.” Belle crosses her arms over her chest before peering over Meg’s shoulder at Val sitting at his desk in the pit.

“I bet you do,” Ariel mumbles.

Meg bites her bottom lip, her dimples popping in her cheeks as she tries to keep from laughing.

I’m going to miss this.

But I am not going to miss trying to force myself into a box I clearly don’t fit in.

“I love you guys,” I tell them.

And as one, they converge around me in a group hug with dad trying to fit us all in his hold.

By my side, Ariel whispers in my ear, “I’ve got Neil Berkley cuffed to the back passenger door in my truck. Want to take him in with me and claim your last official bounty?”

I shake my head, a laugh escaping me. “Sure. Why not? Wait! How did you find him?”

Ariel grins. “Turns out you were right; his momma was hiding him. I stalked her ass for the last three weeks and she led me right to him.”

My heart is so full, and I’m beyond excited to start this next chapter of my life. And no longer be known as the Catastrophe Magnet.

