Page 62 of Burn For Me

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Tears began to mix with the blood on my face. “Please,” I begged him. “Please don’t do this! Did Wade send you to do this?”

“Oh, he paid me big bucks to take care of you. Of course, he didn’t want me to do this until later, but I couldn’t help that you just walked right into my arms.”

“Why?” I cried out, hoping I could keep him talking long enough that someone would find us or I’d find another way out.

“Who cares, why? I just care about the money I get paid.”

“How much? I’ll pay you double.”

He laughed. “You wouldn’t be able to afford it.”

“I’ll sell my car! I’ll even give you the car! I have the pink slip in my drawer at home. You can just take the car. It has to be worth more than he is paying you. Just don’t do this.”

“Tempting offer. I was hoping that we’d be in your bedroom where I could tie you up and fuck you all night.”

My skin crawled at his words. “Please, do not do this!”

“Oh, I’m going to do it, and you will love it.” He laughed roughly in my ear, then pulled my hair back and put his mouth on my neck. Before I could scream, he slapped a hand over my mouth and then bit down on the column of my neck. I screamed anyway.

When he let go of my neck, he slammed my head against the wall again, and I saw stars as my knees buckled. I guess it would be better to be knocked out than to be aware of what he was doing to me.

“Oh, no. No passing out. He wanted you to remember this. He said maybe it would teach you something, and then you'd be worth his time the next time he was with you.”

What was he talking about? Who was he talking about? His hand dropped to the band of my pants, and he tugged at the clasp there and practically ripped them open. He shoved his hand down my pants, and I tried to get away, but he used his weight to press me harder against the brick. The roughness of it cut into my cheek.

He started to yank my pants down on one side and then the other, making sure my mouth was covered as he exchanged hands. I was sobbing as he pushed them to my knees, and then he began to work on his pants.

Why hadn’t I listened to Zack and Lydia? Because I had been too damn determined to do it all on my own.

Zack! I screamed in my mind as I continued to cry to the point that I was almost hyperventilating.

He got his pants down, and his erection branded my backside as he rubbed it back and forth against my crack. I squeezed my cheeks as hard as possible and tried to scream again.

Suddenly a sound beside me caught my attention and his. It was a low growl, and it was getting louder. Oh God, I was being raped, and then I was going to be mauled by a dog.

The guy holding me yelled, “fuck!” The dog’s growl intensified, and the man began to step away from me. From the corner of my eye, I saw the dog lunge at the man and lock his jaw around the guy’s leg.

The man began to kick at the dog, but the dog held on, and I screamed as I had never screamed before. The dog yelped and lifted his head, letting the man go, and the guy shoved me hard enough to slam my head for the fourth time into the solid wall. As I slid to the ground, I saw him running away, the dog hot on his heels.

I woke up to a flashlight in my eyes and a man asking if I were okay.

I tried to sit up, and he stopped me. “The ambulance is on its way.”

“I’m fine. I don’t need an ambulance.”

“Honey, you need medical attention. You have a good dog. He stood at the end of the alley and barked for almost twenty minutes until I came out to shoe him away, and he caused such a ruckus that I knew something was wrong, and he led me down here. Smart dog. What a smart dog.”

“He’s not mine,” I said as I put my hand up to my forehead and realized something was lying over my waist. Oh my God! My pants were still around my knees. This kind gentleman had covered me with his shirt.

A siren sounded down the way and then another. “Well, he should be. Let me tell the police where you are. You stay right here. Don’t get up, you have a bad cut on your head.”

I put my hand to my face, where my skin felt stiff. I had dried blood everywhere. I began to cry softly. How did one get over almost being raped and killed?

The paramedics helped me onto the stretcher, and a few minutes later, I was on the way to the hospital.

I laid there with my eyes closed, tears easing down my cheeks as the people tried to clean up my head and monitor my vitals. “Is there someone you want me to call?” One of them asked.

I shook my head. The last thing I needed was for Zack or Lydia to know what happened. Hopefully, by Monday, any trace of this incident will be gone and they will never know.

I had to keep my eyes closed at the hospital because the lights were so bright. They asked me a ton of questions, and some I could answer, others I couldn’t. All I wanted was to be left alone, but no one would do that. They kept saying something about keeping me awake.

I was sent for some tests but didn’t quite understand what they were. Something about a head injury, but nothing made sense. Why wouldn’t everyone just leave me alone so I could sleep?

When I arrived back in my little private room in the emergency room, it finally got quiet in my room, and then the door opened. I heard a voice I hadn’t expected.

“Aw, shit, Lillian.” Zack was suddenly at my side, his eyes moving over my face as I opened my eyes.

As soon as I could focus on him, I started to cry. Not just silent tears, but all-out soul-wrenching sobs, but not for me. They were for my hero.

“A dog saved my life. You have to find the dog, Zack. You have to find him.”
