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Charlotte looked over at all the many faces seated at the table. William and Susan and Samuel. Eliza and Adam and the little girl they were raising, Kitty. Rachel and Christopher were still visiting. Dinah and Henry and all of Henry’s large family had come for the occasion. They alone took nearly half the large table.

Seth’s sister, Rachel’s mother, Grace, had made a special trip into Town. Everyone had been concerned that Rachel’s father wouldn’t be able to make the trip due to the poor health he’d struggled with since returning home several months ago, but he sat there as well. Said he wouldn’t have missed it for anything.

They were all here for her and for Seth.

Family was truly the best of all blessings.

Seth, who was seated directly beside her, stood. “I’d like to propose a toast to the most beautiful and brilliant of all women. To my wife.”

“Hear, hear,” was spoken all down the table as everyone lifted their glasses to her.

Charlotte picked up her own glass. “To family.”

“To family,” they chanted back.

Seth sat down once more, and the breakfast began in earnest.

“We’ve done this a lot this year, haven’t we?” Charlotte said to Seth, her gaze still floating from one beloved face to another.

“What? Wedding breakfasts?”

“Um-hum,” Charlotte said, lifting her cup once more and taking another sip.

Seth leaned back in his chair, took her hand, and looked over their family as well. “I guess we have.”

“First Eliza at the end of spring, then Rachel mid-summer. Dinah’s wedding was only a few months ago.”

“I thought you were insane when you first proposed we all come to London and find husbands for my girls—all three in one Season.”

Charlotte shrugged with one shoulder. “How could you have ever doubted me?”

“I blame my not having known you long.” He kissed her hand. “I will never doubt you again.”

“I believe ‘tenacious’ is the word you once used.”

“I believe you are right.” The side of his mouth ticked upward.

It was such a small movement, but one she had grown quite familiar with. Seth had never been one to be overt in his emotions, but his subtle, quiet way of expressing himself had grown on her.

Leaning over, she gave him a quick kiss. Giving their husbands a quick kiss even among society is what tenacious ladies did, after all.

“I cannot say how happy I am,” Charlotte continued, “that it was you who crossed my path last year on the road.”

Seth gave her hand a little squeeze. “As am I.”

“You know,” Charlotte said, tilting her head to the side, “perhaps we should have invited the highwaymen to the wedding this morning. It’s their doing that led us to meet in the first place.”

Seth gave her a flat stare before returning to his breakfast.

Charlotte laughed and continued eating as well. But her gaze strayed to those celebrating with her and Seth.

This is what she wanted, what she’d always wanted.

All those many years ago, when her daughter had been taken from her, this is what she’d hoped for, what she’d prayed for.

Hope. Healing. Family.
