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Chapter 19

Annie knew they were taking a risk, being so long away from the assembly that their absence could be noticed, yet she found she had no wish to leave at all. Luke had clearly not been lying when he said he wished to speak ofeverything.Not only had they discussed both of their childhoods, but they had talked of their parents at length too. They spoke of books, theatre shows, music, even some of their favourite places.

“Can I confess something?” Luke asked, leaning his arm across the back of the settee.

“As we seem to be telling each other everything at this point, why not?” Annie said, finding herself leaning into his arm, the better to be closer to him.

“I have always longed to be far away from theton,” he whispered, despite the emptiness of the room they were in. “I find I have longed to travel for some time.”

“Where to? The continent?”


“Why have you not been yet?” Annie asked, watching him closely. He winced as if suffering some great pain and scratched the back of his neck.


“Your sister?”

“I feel as if I would be abandoning her to leave.” Luke fell still again, returning his eyes to Annie. “People gossip about her so much, I feel as if I have to be here, defending her corner.”

“Luke, you are a kind brother indeed.” Annie rested her hand upon his, thrilled when he turned his hand over so that their fingers became interlocked. “But do you not think it’s time you did something for yourself too? I think very highly of Lady Shrewsbury, and something tells me she’d be quite upset if she ever thought she was the thing that was holding you back from doing what you want with your life.”

“Ha! You know my sister well already.” Luke nodded in approval. “It is why I have never told her I wish to travel.”

“I think you should,” Annie said with a smile. “I am sure she would encourage you to go.”

“Perhaps, but now I have another reason to keep me in London.” Luke lifted their connected hands to his lips and kissed the back of Annie’s wrist. At that touch, Annie shivered, yet it was not from being cold but from the thrill.

“How long do you reckon we can stay here?” she whispered, watching as he moved his kisses higher up her arm a little. He got partway up her forearm before he broke off and shifted toward her on the settee, moving his lips closer to hers.

“A little longer yet.”

He pressed his lips to hers in a kiss. Annie instantly kissed him back with ardour, not wanting this moment to end. Locked away in this room with him, she felt surprisingly free. She was free from having to think of all her mother’s rules, free of fearing what people thought when they looked at her. Here, she could be herself, and she could indulge in the excitement Luke had introduced her to.

“Luke?” she murmured between quick kisses.

“Hmm?” His attempt at a word was muffled by those kisses.

“Do you remember what we did the other night at that dinner party?”

He broke off from their kissing and laughed, tipping their head back.

“Believe me, Annie, I will never forget what we did.”

“I was wondering….” She lifted her chin higher, trying not to be too nervous. “Are there other things we could do?” Luke smiled at once, that smile now so mischievous that her heart thudded hard, echoing in her ears.

“Are you sure you want to know?” Luke whispered, leaning toward her another time.

“Would I ask otherwise?” she teased, earning another laugh from him.

“Very well.” He hovered his lips over hers. “There is something we could do, something I will admit I have been dreaming of, but you can stop me at any time, Annie.”

I doubt I will wish to stop!

She was the one to close their lips for a kiss. This one was fast, with the two of them loosening their hands from each other in order to cling to one another’s clothing. Annie shuffled toward him on the settee, trying to get closer and closer to him.

When his hand took her neck gently, angling her to a deeper kiss, she felt her body grow limp, seduced by that simple touch. He took her tongue with his own, indulging in such a deep kiss that Annie thought the breath had been stolen from her body.
