Page 23 of Safeguard

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“What happened?” I press.

I roll over to look at him after he releases me and sits up.

“You’re awfully chatty after sex.” He smiles.

“Multiple orgasms bring out my chatty side.” His lips twitch.

He talks a little about the relationship he had with a girl named Erin.

“Four years together and all I got was a shitty Dear John letter while I was overseas.”

I’ve never met her, but I hate her.

“I’m sorry that happened to you.”

Hearing he’s been hurt before also, has me thinking he needed tonight as much as I did.

“Since it’s sharing time, how about your asshole ex? How long were you together?”

“Only long enough for me to support him through medical school.” I sigh.

“Come here.” He pulls me in tight, and I rest my head on his chest, enjoying his smooth strokes of my hair.

“Haven’t you dated anyone since you broke up with him?”

“Only a few unfortunate blind dates set up by my friend Gabby, nothing serious. There was one guy. We had a couple of dates. He told me he was a doctor, and I found out later he lied about his profession. He worked in a hospital, but as a janitor. I mean, I didn’t judge him for his profession, but the lying was a deal breaker. I’ve been burned once by a liar, so I broke it off.”

He leans down and kisses the top of my head. I eye the unused condoms lying on the bed next to us. My brain is telling me it’s a bad idea, since the one we already used broke, but my body is having other thoughts as I lie here in his arms. You don’t need a condom for a blowjob, right? Brilliant! Apparently, you don’t need a condom when you shamelessly ride someone’s mouth as they devour you—or when someone fucks your tits while you masturbate either.


Being an early riser because of my job, I’m up just as the sun begins to seep through the blinds…despite my tired, aching body. Chase came up with some ingenious ways to have sex without the need of a condom last night. I twist my head and take a peek at him, still out cold next to me. The sunlight streams into the room, illuminating his sun-kissed, rock-hard body, and I take the opportunity to ogle the beauty spread out before me while he sleeps.

My mind is replaying every delicious moment of last night.

He’s lying on his stomach, his arms tucked underneath the pillow, his handsome face currently resting on it. The sheet is tangled low around his waist, his thick, athletic legs are poking out, along with the top of his fine sculpted ass.

I inhale his delicious earthy scent mixed with the abundant smell of sex still flooding the room. I’m craving this man so bad as I stare at the curves of his muscular back. I smirk at the faint red marks from where my nails dug into him, as I writhed under him last night. I can still feel all the places on my body where he was, and in spite of my sore lady parts, the anticipation of more has me grinning like a loon. I want to run my fingers through his silky mussed hair and revisit some of those things. Maybe even try some new ones. I’m sure I could make good use of his scruffy five o’clock shadow. He’s sleeping so peacefully that I decide to make some coffee and whip up some breakfast instead.

As I busy myself at the counter putting the finishing touches on the western omelets, I sense him standing there. I turn, finding him already dressed in the doorway with a grumpy scowl.

“Coffee?” I offer, placing it in front of him on the kitchen island where he takes a seat. He only grunts.


I place the omelet in front of him. Surprisingly, it looks appetizing, considering my one useful arm and derelict cooking skills.

“Thanks,” he grumbles taking a sip of his black coffee. “Jason called, he wants to see me in the office.”

“Oh…okay…I understand,” I say, trying to hide the disappointment in my voice.

Chase grabs his fork and begins to pick at his food, never putting any to his mouth. I can sympathize with his grumpiness after the lack of sleep we had, but something seems off when he won’t even make eye contact.

“So I was wondering how exactly this whole bodyguard thing is supposed to work. Do I only need protection when I leave the house?”

“I’m not quite sure yet either, but Joey is out front already. He’s assigned to you today. In case you need to go anywhere, you call him.” But I want to call you.

He slides a piece of paper over to me with a couple of guy’s names and numbers on it.
