Page 28 of Safeguard

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Me: You are dead to me!

I make sure to add a few skull emojis and some stabby knives for effect. Then I decide to scrap the entire evening and go home.

I’ve barely slept since Chase has invaded my system like a body snatcher, and my feet are fucking killing me. This stupid plan I concocted with Gabby is blowing up in my face. I’m here with a guy I don’t want, attempting to make the man who’s embedded himself into my brain jealous.

That’s so fucked up.

How is it I didn’t even know him last week, and now when he’s not with me there’s an emptiness? It’s all so exhausting. I need to forget about men altogether. I’m better off alone.

I hoist the door open with purpose, knowing who I’ll find. Chase towers in front of me, his hands jammed in his pockets, looking utterly delectable. He opens his mouth to speak, but I hold my hand up with a warning.

“Can you please go get the car. I’m going to excuse myself to Bryce, and I’ll meet you outside.”

“Prince charmingnot all you thought he’d be?”

I take a deep breath. I can feel tears welling up in my eyes. Chase must see them because he immediately drops his attitude and strokes his hand up and down my arm.

“Okay, princess, I’ll get the car while you say goodnight to dweeb boy.”

The final straw is when I arrive back at the table and overhear Bryce declining dessert, explaining to the waiter his date is trying to watch her waistline.

“Bryce, I want to thank you for tonight,” I murmur, standing at the table with my arms crossed, and not wanting to be here one more minute.

“I’m suddenly not feeling well, so I’m going home.”

Bryce stands flustered and drops some bills on the table. “Let me drive you home then.”

“No, it’s okay. I have my own car, thanks,” I tell him, striding toward the exit.

We make our way out to the front of Simmer, and I don’t see Chase yet. Wearily I lean against the brick wall and Bryce decides this is the perfect time to make his move. His unappealing body pushes up against mine, trapping me against the wall. His foul breath gives me a sudden wave of nausea.

“I don’t think we should end the night here. Why don’t you let me drive you to my place?” he mutters, his face way to close to mine. I place my palms on his chest, gently pushing him, but he doesn’t budge. “There’s no need to play hard to get, sugar. I can tell by that dress…you’re already primed and ready to go.”


His words shock me, just before he leans in, smacking his repulsive lips over mine. My stomach does a flip when he tries to shove his bitter tongue down my throat. I don’t know if it’s the unsolicited kiss or the fact he called me sugar, that makes me crack.

Only Chase gets to call me pet names.

In a flash, I wiggle my arm up from between our bodies. Lifting it high over my head then bop his skull with my cast.

“Bitch! What a fucking cock tease.”

For some strange reason when I hear the rumble of Chase’s car pulling up, the tension leaves my body. I close my eyes tight, knowing precisely what’s going to happen next. Before I even open them, the weight of Bryce shifts off me, and I gasp. The distinct sound of his nose cracking fills my ears, and I almost feel sorry for the guy. Almost.

I’m not sure if I’m annoyed at Chase for over-reacting, or I’m more pissed for putting myself in this stupid position. I’m so frustrated and shaken I remove my pumps and leave them lying on the ground, storming away in a huff.
