Page 27 of Safeguard

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Not the usual kind you get when you go on a date with someone new. More like the, I’m afraid of what to expect tonight, since the last six blind dates my serial, matchmaker friend has set me up on, were a complete shit-show.

Then there’s my broody, gallant, sexy-as-fuck bodyguard who won’t stop eyeing me like he wants to eat me. The man looks mighty hot in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, but when he showed up at my house wearing a pair of tight black dress pants, showcasing his fine ass, I just wanted to pinch those sweet buns. His crisp white dress shirt, hugging his muscular torso has me practically drooling. Even with his alpha, asshole, attitude, I still want to shred his clothes and screw him into my couch until next Sunday.

He hasn’t spoken two words to me since we left my house, but if looks could kill... The way his dark, pensive eyes are glaring over at us, I’m not sure what he wants to do more, kill Bryce or fuck me.

Hopefully, the latter.

This night has spelled disaster from the start. Bryce is my height, which makes me taller in my heels. His slender build causes his black dress shirt to appear baggy, and he’s applied enough gel in his brown hair to lubricate my entire car. I nervously approach him in the lobby of the restaurant.

“Are you Bryce?”

He’s not ugly, but he’s not making me all hot and gooey inside either. He nods, and I hate the way he’s eyeing me up and down like I’m a piece of meat.

“Hi, I’m Melanie. It’s nice to meet you.”

I smile tentatively and hold out my hand. Instead of shaking it, Bryce gives it a good tug, and I lose my balance. Thank you, Gabby, for lending me these stupid pumps. I smack right into his chest, and he places a slimy kiss on my cheek.

“Nice to meet you, Melanie. Very nice to meet you,” he growls, as I upright myself and take a step back. I glare over his shoulder and give Chase a warning look since he looks like he’s about to tackle Bryce and put him in a chokehold.

“Ah, nice to meet you too.”

I came out tonight with no intentions of getting laid, but I think my blind date has different ideas about how this night is going to end, the way he’s gawking at my body. The only man I want to fuck tonight is the moody asshole with the dark, penetrating eyes, sitting in a booth at the back of the restaurant, eye-fucking me. He’s sipping his coke, with a sexy scowl I’d love to kiss right off his face. I didn’t want to go on this stupid blind date, but Gabby suggested it, just to make Chase jealous. It sounded like a brilliant idea at the time.

Now I’m not so sure.

I nab a piece of bread from the basket after my date feels the need to order for me.

“Trust me. I know what’s good here,” He mumbles, passing the menu to the waiter.

If you know what’s good, then why do you get pasta and I get a salad with grilled chicken breast?

“So, how do you know Gabriella?”

I take a sip of my wine, wondering if it’d be appropriate to down the entire glass in one gulp, then I sneak a quick glance over at Chase for the hundredth time. The way his heated eyes bore into me, I have to shift my legs to relieve the constant ache between them.

“Funny story…we met at the supermarket. I asked her out, but she said she was married—said she knew the perfect girl for me, though.”


I’m going to fucking kill her.

I could be sitting here with a freaking serial killer, for all I know. I can see why she would pretend to be married, but why the hell would she pass him on to me? She and I are going to have a serious conversation tomorrow about best friend etiquette.

Bryce is a tad on the obnoxious side. So far, he’s talked about himself continuously, barely letting me get in a word. He has the next twenty years of his life completely mapped out and seems to think I’m going to be the one to have his two point five kids.

“Are you ready for marriage?” Bryce asks making me choke on my lettuce.

“Um…I…I think I’d be ready for marriage if I met the right person.”

“Well, let’s hope you already have.” He wiggles his uni-brow.

I pat my lips with my napkin, trying to hide my nervous giggle. I take a huge sip of my Pellegrino, then excuse myself to the ladies room.

I sense Chase hot on my heels as I awkwardly make my way to the back of the restaurant on these stupid shoes. I need to start wearing sensible flats more.

I quickly push the door to the ladies room open before he can reach me. Once inside, I close my eyes and take deep breaths to collect myself. After my mini panic attack subsides, I take a few more breaths, finally getting my emotions under control. I send a quick text to Gabby.
