Page 3 of Safeguard

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DRIVING TO MY buddy Jason’s building is a blur. I’m stuck in my head, and it’s not a great place to be. I need to get out of this funk, but I can’t escape this feeling of hopelessness. Maybe Mom’s idea had some merit when she’d suggested I talk to a professional.

I stare at the gold-plated sign in the lobby that reads Kane Security, contemplating whether to hit the button on the elevator or not.


I need to go through with this and make some attempt at getting my life on track.

“You need to do this,” I whisper to myself as I impatiently stab the button with my thumb.

“Kane security, please hold.” The thin, attractive, blonde behind the receptionist desk sings into her headset with a cute southern drawl before giving me the once-over.

I guess she’s kind of cute with her golden blond hair tied up in a neat and tidy ponytail. Even sitting behind the desk, I can tell she has the type of body most guys would take notice of, but lately, nothing appeals to me at all.

Except for the damn red-head from the coffee shop who’s invaded my brain.

Maybe if I felt better about myself, I would take the time to flirt with her or get her number, but I’m not here for that anyway.

“Hello, can I help you?” Her green eyes greet mine, and she gives me a curious smile.

“I’m here to see Jason Kane.”

“Oh, you must be Mr. Taylor. Mr. Kane is expecting you.” I give her a quiet nod, and she hits a button on her phone.

“Mr. Kane, Mr. Taylor is here to see you.”

Before she even gets a response, the mahogany wood door behind me swings open. I’m startled when Jason paces toward me, engulfing me in a giant man hug. It takes me a second to return the friendly embrace with a hard pat on the back.

“Chase, man, it’s so good to see you. Come, let’s go into my office.”

I follow behind him, nervously taking notice of his bright, modest space. It’s comfortable and organized and immediately sets me at ease. I wonder what it feels like to be Jason. He must be proud of what he’s accomplished since coming home. Even behind his family money, he was never one of those entitled rich kids. He’s down to earth and never thought himself better than anyone else.

“It’s fucking good to see you, man.” He hands me a water bottle from his mini-fridge in the corner of his office, before motioning for me to take a seat in one of the two leather chairs in front of his desk.

“So, tell me how you found me.” He leans back in his black leather recliner and gives me a grin.

“Oh, I don’t know, the big sign in front of the building screaming Kane Security helped.” He chuckles, as I twist the cap off my water bottle and take a sip.

“Tell me what you’ve been up to since you’ve been home.”

I silently scoff, knowing there’s not much to tell. “Honestly, it’s been a big adjustment.”

“It’s understandable. I know it was even more difficult for you with losing Noah. You’ve been through a lot, cut yourself some slack, dude.”

“How’s your family?” I ask, remembering the Kane clan growing up, and how much fun it was hanging out with them.

“The family is quickly growing. I’m sure you heard I’m a married man now and about to be a dad.”

“Congrats, man, I heard about you and Ava. Everyone always knew you guys were meant to be. I’d be scared shit-less about the dad thing though. I don’t think I’m ready for that yet.”

“I’m not sure I’m ready either, brother, but I don’t have much choice. My little princess is coming soon, ready or not.” He smirks, and I love how his eyes light up. I feel sad it’s not me. “Thank God Ava’s around to keep my ass in line.” He pauses to take a sip of his water bottle.

“How are your parents doing?” He stretches back in his chair and clasps his fingers together behind his head.

“They’re doing well, except for the fact they have to deal with my shit.” I look down, unable to meet his eyes.

“I’m sure they’re glad to have you home, man. Give them my regards.”

The intercom on the desk buzzes startling me. “Mr. Kane, don’t forget your meeting is at one.”
