Page 32 of Safeguard

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The corner of his mouth quirks up with a smile. “Whatever you want, Ms. Quinn. Chase, I’ll see you in the morning. We need to brainstorm. I want to find this asshole.” He shakes his head and walks away.

Chase gives me an adorable sexy smile, and my heart flutters. “Get some clothes. Let’s get you out of here, firecracker.”

I don’t think we’re driving in the car five minutes before I fall asleep like a baby.

“Where are we?” I ask, waking from my cat nap bleary-eyed.

Chase comes around the car and opens my door. “Someplace safe.”

Chase hoists my duffle bag over his shoulder and reaches for my hand. A shiver runs down my spine from the fresh night air when I exit the car. He removes his leather jacket, slinging it over my shoulders then swings the short white picket gate open, motioning me to go first. It’s difficult to see in the dark, but he holds his hand on the small of my back guiding me. My body feels the warmth of his touch through my clothes.

We walk up the dimly lit, brick walkway, toward what looks like a quaint, cottage style house. Even in the dark, I can see the bright blue color painted on the wooden shaker siding.

“I’d swear, I can smell the ocean.” I inhale deeply through my nose.

“Well, it’s because there’s a private beach practically in the backyard.” Chase’s grin is smug.

We enter the tiny cottage, his eyes considering me carefully, the way a man would study a piece of art. I survey the open floor plan, immediately getting a welcome, relaxed feeling. I notice the light oak floors as I join him in the kitchen, taking a seat at one of the stools around the large square island separating the rooms. The kitchen is average sized, complete with whitewashed cabinets and new stainless-steel appliances. The furniture mingled around the living room is eclectic and charming. There’s a baby blue, sectional couch in the one corner, scattered on top are bright red and pink, flowery pillows. There’s a lime green TV cabinet on the adjacent wall, covered with white lamps and green plants. The table in the dining area is also lime green with four royal-blue wooden chairs scattered around it. There’s brightness, and color everywhere, and I don’t think It’s possible to be sad in this house.

“Oh My God, this place is yours?” I grin from ear to ear.

“I’m just staying here right now. It’s my parents’ place. “ He shifts his feet and stares down at the ground almost embarrassed. “Things have been rough for me since I’ve been home. I haven’t had a chance to get my own place yet.” I caress my palm over his bicep.

“Hey, it’s understandable. I can’t even begin to imagine what you’ve been through. Someday, when you’re ready, I’d hope you’d want to share with me. But for now, I want you to know I think you’re wonderful.” The corner of his mouth quirks up with a shy smile. “Well, anyway, this place is amazing.”

“Wait until you see the view, although, it’s nothing compared to the one I have now.” Chase drops my bag on the floor and pushes his fingers through his hair. “Can I get you something to eat? I noticed you only ate salad at dinner.” Chase walks over to the fridge and grabs two cans of diet coke.

“That’s what my date ordered for me,” I scoff. “I think he thought I was a little too curvy.” Chase’s expression hardens. “The guy was a dick, and got what he deserved. Your curves are perfect. Now let’s feed you, woman.”

“I’m not hungry. I think I just want to go to bed.” With you.

“The bedrooms are upstairs. Come on.”

The tension in the air suddenly thick again, as we tip-toe up the stairs. This man is confusing as hell. He’s hot one minute, an iceberg the next. I’m not sure if I can handle any more rejection from him tonight.

“You can sleep in here, I’ll take the guest room.”

He motions to the room across the hall. I guess I have my answer. He flips the light on, dropping my bag on the bed.

“Chase, I think we need to talk.”

I plop down on the bed agitated. This man is infuriating. I want him to pick me up and toss me on the mattress, not stand six feet away with his hand on the doorknob. His lips move like he’s about to say something, but he stops himself.

“Dammit, Chase, two hours ago you wanted to jump my bones, and now you can barely look me in the eye.”

He pinches the bridge of his nose. “I’m trying to make good choices here. When I saw you with that ass-hat tonight, all I could see was red. Then when I saw your place ransacked, I nearly lost my shit. I think we both need some sleep.” He hesitates for a moment. “I promise we’ll talk in the morning.”

“Whatever, Chase…goodnight,” I snarl before bolting to the bathroom, slamming the door behind me.

When I come back into the room, he’s gone. I stare out the window into the pitch black of night, determined to find a way to get this man out from under my skin.

The sounds of the ocean calm me.

When I was a teenager, after my parents died, I would spend hours at the beach losing myself in books. It seemed to give me sanity. There are so many things swimming around in my head.

If I’m being honest with myself, I was a little hard on him this week. I’d even go as far as saying I treated him like shit. What is it about this man that makes me crazy? It hurt so much when he rejected me. I’m falling for him hard, and it’s scaring the shit out of me.

Maybe I’m just another one of his floozies. Perhaps, I’m the only one feeling this way. Just because we’re a raging inferno between the sheets, doesn’t mean it’s anything more than sex to him.
