Page 48 of Safeguard

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I’M FLYING HIGH after my meeting at the station in spite of my sore over-sexed body and lack of sleep. My boss surprised everyone at the end of the boring event by bringing in lunch for all of us. I was shocked to find out he did it to congratulate me. I didn’t even hear my name called out until Gabby leaned over and pinched me. I was too busy squirming in my seat, day-dreaming about a certain hunky bodyguard and the wicked things he did to my body last night. He has my head spinning and my heart tripping over itself even when we’re apart.

At the end of the meeting, Arie announced to everyone I’m nominated for a national journalism award for a story I did last year on sexual misconduct in the workplace. I wasn’t really looking forward to going to the dinner because it’s usually boring, but now I’m super excited. Even if I don’t win, it’s such an honor just to be nominated.

Gabby was a little disappointed when I told her Chase was going as my date. She tried sounding chipper about it but failed miserably. After some coaxing, I talked her into being our third wheel for the evening. If Chase is going to be in my life, I want him to get to know her because she is important to me.

I’m getting a little antsy because Joey was supposed to be back here at my place twenty minutes ago. He dropped me off earlier, saying he had some things to take care of but would be back in time to fetch me for my doctor’s appointment.

I’m supposed to get this stupid cast off, and if he doesn’t get here soon, I’m not going to make the appointment.


I pace back and forth, sneaking another glance out the picture window but there’s no sign of him. Chase will kill me if I drive there myself, but I’m supposed to meet his parents tonight. I want to make a good impression and need some time to get ready before he returns home.

I text Joey one more time and get no response. Maybe I should text Chase, but I don’t want to get Joey in any trouble. I wait another ten minutes before deciding not to wait any longer. Grabbing my bag and keys off the table, I make the decision to drive myself.

Waiting in the doctor’s office, I decide to check my phone.

Dumb idea. Chase’s text glares in my face.

Chase: DAMMIT MEL! Why didn’t you wait for Joey?

I knew he’d be pissed, but I really need this smelly, dirty thing off.

Me: I’M FINE! Joey didn’t show up, so I drove myself. Stop worrying. I’ll see you when you get home. I’m looking forward to meeting your parents. I miss you and can’t wait to see you tonight. < 3

p.s. can’t wait to show you what I can do with two good hands later. ; )

“Melanie Taylor?”

The blonde nurse wearing pink scrubs pokes her head out from the waiting room door, holding my chart up in her hand. I turn my phone on silent and stick it back in my bag.

“Let’s get an x-ray and see if Dr. Campo can saw that thing off.”

“I sure hope so,” I say with a massive smile on my face.

After the doctors, I still have plenty of time to get ready for tonight, so I decide to treat myself. I stop at Deja Brew, sorely needing a caffeine fix after being sexed-up all night.

I’m in such a good mood I over-indulge with a specialty coffee involving lots of chocolate, extra whipped cream, and a gazillion calories.

Standing at the counter, I start re-thinking my haste to remove the cast. My arm is dry and scaly and has more hair than an orangutan. Feeling self-conscious, I hide my smelly gorilla arm from the other customers, not wanting to scare them away. Dr. Campo said it was normal and wouldn’t last long with proper exercise and care, but it’s just gross.

I exit the coffee shop with my treat in hand, hearing a car engine turn over from across the parking lot. Glancing over at the old beat up, dark blue sedan, I recognize it from the doctor’s office parking lot. I squint from the sun, noticing a man sitting behind the wheel with a baseball cap pulled way down over his face. I Ignore the creepy feeling I get, and jump in my little blue VW, feeling happy to drive her again, never giving it another thought.

Blasting some Taylor Swift break-up song, which totally doesn’t relate to me today, I sing along proudly like a teenager and sip my drink. I’m excited to get home and see my man.

I only make it a few blocks when I notice the same blue car following very closely to me. I turn down the radio, cursing myself as concern starts to creep in.

The guy’s not doing anything wrong, but I speed up a little, glancing often in my mirror to keep an eye on him. I’m probably overreacting, but the further and further I drive, the more and more I’m regretting my decision to drive myself to the appointment.

After a few minutes, panic sets in because the car is making every turn I make. I quickly dial Chase through the blue tooth, and he answers gruffly on the first ring.

“Melanie! Where the hell are you?” his voice squawks through the car.

“Chase!” I can’t hide the fear in my voice.

“Baby, what’s wrong?” he responds quietly.

“I think someone’s following me. I don’t know what to do.”
