Page 5 of Safeguard

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“JESUS, GABBY, WE’RE fifteen minutes late,” I complain as we sprint precariously through the studio, my brand new heels clicking the entire way.

“You’re the one who wanted to hang around and see if Mr.-Tall-Dark-and-Bang-able, showed up.”

The disappointment of not catching a glimpse of him today begins to resurface.

“Please let me set you up with Bryce next week. I know him-ish. He’d be perfect for you. At the very least, he could be the one who gets you back on the bologna pony.”

My day is going to get even shittier if she’s going to keep nagging me.

“I’ll think about it, okay Gab’s?” I close my eyes, letting out a harsh sigh. I don’t even know why I’m considering this. Maybe I’m just tired of being alone. “If I go, and that’s a big if, this is the last blind date I’m ever going on. Every one you’ve set me up on has been a colossal train-wreck.”

We deposit our bags into the green room and hurry to the meeting we’re currently late for, hoping Arie’s in a good mood since lateness is one of his biggest pet-peeves.

“I don’t understand why you aren’t looking for someone real? Instead you spend every day obsessing over some fake boyfriend sitting in a coffee shop.”

“Because he’s unbelievably fucking hot, and you agreed he looks like Captain America. Besides, it’s safer this way. Feelings don’t get in the way, no chance of heartbreak, and still plenty of images locked away in my spank bank for those late nights with BOB.” I poke my finger at my temple a few times, showing her how smart I am.

We’ve had this conversation a million times. Why can’t she just let me have my fantasy? My little heart stays tucked away, safe and sound and nobody gets hurt. I’d love a man in my life—love to fall in love with someone and have a family someday. But I’m already twenty-eight years old, and I’m beginning to think that ship has sailed. The guys I’ve dated lately are so far away from being boyfriend material—I’m better off single.

“You should ask the freaking guy out already.”

Jesus, no!

“You’ve seen him. He’d probably laugh straight in my face. I ogle the guy every day and he never even notices me. A man like him could have anyone. Why would he be interested in someone like me? I’m so out of his league—we might as well be playing a different sport. Guys like him don’t date girls like me.”

Gabby grabs my wrist as I reach for the door handle of the conference room. “First of all, have you looked in the mirror? You. Are. Fucking. Gorgeous. Jesus, you’re the ultimate catch. You have a smoking hot body—a great personality…you’re funny, and you’re successful. Shit, if I were a dude, I’d do you. Also, I’m so jealous, because you have the perkiest tits I’ve ever seen.”

The conference room door swings open from the inside, just in time for everyone in the room to hear Gabby’s adoration of my fantastic tits. Of course, my hand is still on the knob as the force yanks me to my knees. Fuck!

I’m currently on my knees, staring down at a pair of men’s kick-ass black boots. Huh, I don’t remember Arie having these boots. Come to think of it—I don’t remember him having on vintage black skinny jeans either. And Arie does not have hard thick, thighs like the ones I’m currently resting my palms on—trust me—I would have noticed.

My eyes slowly trail up the altar I’m currently praying on. I let out a heavy breath—his bold, captivating love lumber staring me in the face. I swear I try to avert my eyes from the impressive bulge, I honestly do. But, in my defense, I haven’t seen a man’s cock in over two years—one that’s made of flesh, anyway.

Suddenly, firm able hands are under my armpits, lifting me to my feet. And yes, I wrap my hands around those tree-trunk-like arms just to steady myself. I mean the way his tight black t-shirt is hugging those muscular limbs. I want to lift it up a little and take a tiny peek at his abs.

I quickly chase away my impure thoughts. It’s boiling hot in here, and I can feel the mortification creeping up on my fair skin. I squint my eyes closed wishing to be teleported from the room. When that doesn’t happen, I slowly free them open.

Fuck, it’s him.

My eyes grow wide, and my mouth falls open. Standing before me is the man I’ve been Jilling myself off to for the last four months.

I quickly glance around the room and catch the faces of two other men I don’t recognize. They’re standing around the conference table with their eyes transfixed on me, jaws cocked.

I scowl when I see Arie next to them, his arms crossed, and an evil, evil smirk plastered across his face.

Then there’s my faithful friend standing behind me, snickering. I might have to revoke her best friend status.

In my haste to grope this man and my over-active libido, it takes a moment to notice the excruciating pain radiating up and down my left arm. The room tilts and the last thing I remember is peering into the prettiest blue eyes I’ve ever seen.

Captain America.
