Page 12 of Nights At Sea

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I raise an eyebrow at him. “So, I can leave whenever I choose?” Of course, I know the answer to that question.

My captor shakes his head, frustrated, and gets up from his chair.

“You will comply.”

Excuse me?! What a chauvinistic asshole!

You will comply?I don’t think so!

“I have a life in Dublin. A job, friends… they probably have already reported me as missing to Interpol.”

He ignores what I said, as if I’ve never spoken. Fuck, I want to punch him so hard.

“I’m still not sure I believe you. You could be making up this entire story. Put Gualtiero on the phone so I can speak to him.”

“You can… tomorrow when he’s back.”

“I want to talk to him now.”

“That’s not possible. Gualtiero is away on business and can’t be disturbed. He regrets not being here with you to explain things further. Make yourself at home. If you need anything, Mariella is here to ensure your comfort.”

Movement from behind startles me, and I turn around. A big burly man is walking toward us.

Goosebumps immediately cover my skin, and not the good kind. My heart loudly hammers in my chest. The energy radiating off this guy is menacing, and I want to cower and hide away. Is he here to take me somewhere? God, please, no!

To my relief, he walks past me to Signor Barroni. Leaning down, he whispers something in his ear, and my captor’s face turns stony. I can only see Burly’s back as I watch them with trepidation. When he straightens, I take in his side profile… and my heart stops.

The guy from the cathedral… the one who nodded to the other guy, signaling something to him.

Holy shit!

I knew Barroni was lying. He’s working for the enemy.

This is a setup.

I swallow down my fear.

What am I going to do?

I’m caught in a viper’s nest.

Standing up, Barroni addresses me again. “I need to attend to a few things. Until soon, Miss O’Neil.” With that, he and Burly walk off, and I stare after them until they disappear.

I move to the balustrade, holding onto it with a tight grip as I stare out at the vast sea.

Shit, shit, shit. What have I gotten myself into?

Chapter Four


I’mnotsurewhatto think or feel. My mind is a clusterfuck of emotions.

Of one thing I am sure. I should have listened to my gut.

Didn’t it tell me right from the beginning to stay far, far away from Gualtiero De Marco? Didn’t it tell me to run the other way?

Why didn’t I listen?!
