Page 13 of Nights At Sea

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Damn Rhia and her overactive libido! Why did I let her talk me into this? Now she put us both in danger. If I ever see her again, I’ll put her over my knee.

Rhia… she’ll be beside herself with worry, as will Maureen, my boss.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!

What if I never see Rhia again?She’s the only family I have left.

If only I had listened to my gut!

If only I had resisted temptation like my instincts told me.

If only…


If only isn’t going to help me now. Giving myself a mental slap, I pace back and forth.

Gualtiero Leandro De Marco… who the bloody hell are you?

This question is running on repeat through my mind.

He’s always been vague about his business when I asked him. If he was legit, he wouldn’t need all this security around him, would he?

And his upbringing… he said he was groomed from early on to take over. Why didn’t that set off alarm bells?!

Let’s face it, it doesn’t look good.

Wasn’t my first worry that he was a Mafioso?

And now I’m probably being held captive by a rivaling family wanting to use me as leverage against him.

Emiliano Barroni might claim he works for Gualtiero, but that burly guy suggests otherwise.

What will they do with me? And why treat me so well if I’m merely a chess piece? If what Barroni said is true and I’m actually important to Tiero, would he be more inclined to agree to their demands if I’m well looked after?

Does any of this make sense?

God, I hope Tiero is already searching for me.

But why would Barroni say Tiero is returning tomorrow? Did he make that up?

What if Barroni told the truth?

No… Tiero would have at least talked to me… he wouldn’t let me live in terror for days… he just wouldn’t.


I don’t know what to believe or who to trust.

This is pure mental torture.

I need to hit something… or smash something. Frantically looking around, the only possible thing to throw is the tray with a water jug and vase. I take it and hurl it over the balustrade and watch it smash on the rocks far below.

It doesn’t make me feel better, though I’m a little calmer.

There really are only two possibilities. Either Barroni is telling the truth, and he kidnapped me on Tiero’s orders, or he’s lying and Tiero’s enemies got their hands on me. There’s evidence for both scenarios.

What’s more likely?
