Page 17 of Nights At Sea

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Peering up, I notice the guard hasn’t made a move yet, but he’s on his phone, no doubt calling for backup.

Without thinking, I turn to the right and hurry along the shore. Progress is slow as the big rocks scattered along the shoreline make it difficult to move quickly.

Turning around, I see the guard is now climbing down the stairs. He’s a lot bigger than me, and I hope he won’t fall. I don’t want anybody’s death on my conscience.

He moves slowly which I’m most grateful for. I have a good head start and by the time he gets to the bottom, I should have disappeared around the first bend in the shoreline ahead of me.

My feet ache. The thin-soled ballerina flats offer little protection from the sharp stones. Still, I’m grateful I picked flat shoes. Anything with heels would have made this journey impossible.

As I climb over stone after stone, fatigue is setting in, but I dare not stop, knowing full well that there are men behind me intent on catching me and taking me back.

Luckily, the shoreline has lots of bends and corners which conceal me from my pursuers. I need to find a place to hide. But where?

I scan the rock face as I venture on. Ahead of me, I spot a gap in the rocks, and I hurry over to examine it further.

It’s a narrow four-foot-high slit that could be the opening to a small cave. I can’t see much as I peer in—everything appears dark and ominous.

Scanning the shore, I spot a few branches and, picking one up, poke it into the opening. It meets no resistance. It should be deep enough.

Do I really want to squeeze myself into this cave? God knows what creatures call this home and are hiding in there, waiting for me to sit on them. The thought turns my stomach.

Come on, Ella. You love animals.

At that moment, I hear the humming of an engine, and the decision is made for me. I know instinctively there’s a boat coming for me.

They will not catch me.

Begrudgingly, I crouch low and squeeze myself through the narrow opening and enter the darkness of the cave with held breath.

It smells of sea life and is rather cool. My sweat-soaked skin and clothes chill right away, and goosebumps cover my body.

I step to the side of the entrance and lean against the rock for support, my legs too weak to hold me up. My breath is shallow, and my heart is still beating frantically. I dare not go anywhere near the opening for fear of being spotted by the boat or the men who must be close by now.

Thank God, they’re too big to fit through the gap and hence can’t get to me. Though if they knew I was in here, they’d probably wait me out.

There’s only a sliver of light coming through the opening. My eyes are slowly adjusting to the dark, and I take a cautious look around.

Please don’t let there be any creepy crawlies or snakes or bats.

It’s still too dark to see much, so I remain as still as possible. I take a few deep breaths, willing my heart to beat slower and my mind to clear.

It’s probably best to wait till dark before I continue on. Under the cover of night, I should be able to make progress undetected.

Hopefully, those men out there will have moved on from patrolling the shore, but that’s probably wishful thinking.

I hear voices close by and freeze… not that I was moving before. They are drawing closer, and I can make out two or three different ones.

A torch light suddenly illuminates the entrance. I remain frozen in the dark, holding my breath.

My nerves are fried. I want to throw up. Covering my mouth with my hand, I close my eyes, willing the rising bile down my throat.

After a moment, the torch light disappears and someone calls ”Libero.” I think it meansclear.

I silently let out a sigh of relief but remain still as a statue. Looks like I’ve got away with it.

Someone calls out, ”Dove si trova?” I have no idea what that means, but the guy didn’t sound happy.

The voices move farther away. But what if this is a trap? What if there is a guy standing right outside the cave, just waiting for me to come out?
