Page 22 of Nights At Sea

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I let out the breath I’ve been holding and fall back onto the bed.

Holy shit.

It really was Tiero who kidnapped me.

Now that he’s gone, the jackhammering in my head becomes noticeable again…unbearable in fact.

I turn to the bedside table, and sure enough, two bottles of water and a packet of tablets are waiting for me.

How very thoughtful, I think bitterly. They shouldn’t have drugged me in the first place.

This time I take the tablets… why suffer longer than I have to?

I pull a pillow toward me and hug it tight as I wait for the pounding of my head to subside.

Unfortunately, it also gives me time to think.

Can a person be in continual emotional turmoil?

The answer isyes.

At least that’s what it feels like since the day I’ve met Gualtiero Leandro De Marco—a total clusterfuck of emotions.

I can’t get my head around the fact that he’s responsible for my abduction.

So if Barroni was telling the truth, does that mean my life really is in danger? But he also said Tiero wants me in his life, made it sound like what’s between us is so much more.

I thought that too.

But how can I be with a man who kidnapped me?

Maybe there is a reasonable explanation? Maybe I should let him explain and all will make sense.

Shit, I don’t have the energy or the right frame of mind to deal with this.

But do I have a choice?

Chapter Six


Iclosethedoorgently behind me as I make my way to my office on the lower floor.

Finally, Ella is awake.

Thank God.

I was worried.

Just like on Sunday, Ella was out longer than she should have been. The sedative was meant to wear off an hour ago, but she doesn’t tolerate it well and the side effects hit her hard.

I’m furious she had another shot. I can’t take any chances with her—not now that I’ve found her.

When Emiliano told me she got away, I was livid. Wisely, he didn’t tell me about Ella’s escape until after he had her back. He knew full well I would have been on the next plane, which would have endangered our operation.

It took them too long to recover her.

How could an innocent girl evade my men?
