Page 23 of Nights At Sea

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How did they let her get away in the first place?

Sometimes I feel like I’m surrounded by idiots.

But we all underestimated her. It’s not a mistake I’ll make again.

I pass Dr. Agosti in the hallway. He’s heading to Ella’s room to check in on her.

“She’s awake now,” I tell him. “Leave her be for the moment but stay in the house should I need you.”

He nods and turns back to the guest quarters. I had him monitor Ella, and he kept assuring me my guest would be okay.

My guest.

She is so much more than that.

I guess he chose the safest, most respectful way to address Ella. Soon everybody will know she’s my queen.

I both dread and welcome that day.

I want the entire world to know she’s mine and only mine—untouchable.

Yet, it will also mean the target on her back will be permanent and glowing.

She’ll become my one and only personal weakness and plenty of people, including Molinaro, will attempt to use her against me.

I will do everything in my power to ensure no harm comes to her. I willnotlose her.

When I reach my office, I pour myself a scotch to take the edge off the tension in my body.

For the last hour, I’ve sat with Ella. Seeing her unconscious affected me more than I care to admit.

Watching her made me realize again how much she’s come to mean to me in such a short time.

I fucking missed her when I was gone.

It made it hard to concentrate on what I was doing. In future I’ll take her along. That should solve the problem of my unfocused mind.

Strangely, I could spend hours watching her and not get bored. She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.

And she’s all mine.

I still can’t believe fate has finally brought her to me.

After a long day, I want to come home and lose myself in her. Her smile immediately relaxes me, and her calmness soothes the beast I have to unleash all day every day to keep everyone in line.

And being inside her is like nothing else I’ve ever felt. Cradled in her arms, I can be myself. Her lips on mine make me forget my troubles, her sweetness seeping into me, making me feel so damn happy.

I love this woman.

The speed with which this has happened is baffling. But do I need an explanation?

We’re meant for each other. She has to see this too.

I’m under no illusion that she’s pissed with me.

The way she was looking at me with so much disappointment in her eyes, pulled at heart strings I didn’t know I had.

I almost felt guilty… almost.
