Page 24 of Nights At Sea

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But I cannot regret what I did, even if I hated seeing her face fall when she realized I was in the room with her. I’m used to her eyes lighting up… not this.

Emiliano had warned me she didn’t believe him, that she thought he was lying when he told her it was me preventing her from going home.

My angel believes in my goodness and must have thought my enemies took her. It’s the only explanation I can come up with why she attempted to run.

But running from me will never work. I will always find her.

I wish I had been there to explain everything. It would have prevented her reckless actions.

Fuck, she could have killed herself climbing down the cliff.

The stairs haven’t been used in a decade and aren’t safe. What was she thinking?!

We’ll have to have a serious talk about this.

But overall, this is just a short-term glitch. She’ll get over her disappointment and we’ll be happy once more.

Memories of our time on the island make me want to climb back into bed with Ella, hold her in my arms, stroke and caress her. The image of her in my arms, all pliable and yielding to me, makes me ravenous for her.

My cock grows uncomfortable in my pants, pressing against the zipper. I can’t wait to have her again.

I want to make sweet love to her and fuck her hard into next week.

But there’ll be plenty of time for that… the rest of our lives, in fact.

For right now, I’ll give her some time to get used to her new situation.

With a frustrated sigh, I sink into my chair, turning on my computer. An inbox full of messages awaits me. All follow-ups from my Rome trip.

The timing of that trip couldn’t have been worse. But it had to happen if I want to get a handle on Molinaro. Things are out of control.

He intercepted two of my shipments, and they’ve disappeared without a trace. All the boxes had hidden trackers, and they were disabled with ease, suggesting he had the access codes. Just thinking about it makes my blood boil.

Who is betraying me? Who would be so stupid?

There has to be more than one mole, because a single person could not pull this off. When I get my hands on them, they will die a very slow and painful death. The captains of the vessels are already feeding the fish. Nobody crosses me. Nobody.

I rub my neck and move my head from side to side to release the tension, but it only makes me more aware of the tightness. I know what would help me relax… the perfect stress relief is upstairs in bed.

I hate waiting. I long to be buried deep inside of her, feel her hot lushness, and get lost in the sensations.

Shit. Not helping.

My thoughts have to be on Molinaro. The first steps of luring him into a trap have been laid, and now it’s a waiting game for him to take the bait. He’s a greedy bastard, so I have no doubt he’ll bite soon.

Mateo is flying to Rome this afternoon to supervise the arrival of the next shipments. We can’t afford another disruption.

I’m looking through my emails when my phone rings. It’s Mateo’s ringtone.

“Hey. I thought you’d be in the air by now?” I answer his call.

“Our plane just went up in flames.”

I erupt. “What?!”

“A bomb… must have been on a timer. I was delayed. The plane was parked in its usual spot when it exploded.”

I start pacing the room. Rage is consuming me.
