Page 37 of Nights At Sea

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“God, you piss me off,”I huff loudly.

“Watch your language, princess. Nobody speaks to me this way. I won’t tolerate it,” he says, a warning gleaming in his dark eyes.

About time somebody does, I think, but am not brave enough to say it out loud. God only knows what reaction that might trigger.

“Look, Gualtiero, I feel most comfortable in my own clothes,” I try to reason with him once more. “I just don’t understand what’s so wrong with that.”

He sighs, exasperated I’m not dropping the subject. But if I’ve learned anything over the years, it’s that persistence pays off… just not with a Sicilian kidnapper, it seems.

“I’ve said all there is to say. You’re mine now, Ella, and you will dress the part. End of story. And stop calling me by my full name. You call me Tiero.”

This so isn’t the end of the story.

My blood is boiling and if my eyes could shoot daggers, I’m certain there wouldn’t be a single part of Tiero’s body not covered in them.

Two can play the stubborn game.

I stand up full of rage, pinning the man I thought I’d fallen in love with only days ago with a glare so intense, it crackles the air.

“Listen to me Gualtiero Leandro De Marco, and listen well,” I say with great intention. “I’m nobody’s property, least of all yours. Nobody owns me or tells me what to do. I’m not a Barbie doll you get to dress however you like.”

He just shrugs his shoulders. He damn well knows there’s nothing I can do about any of it. I take a deep breath to calm my anger.

“I also need my birth control pills back. They help me regulate my periods.” There, I said what I really wanted. I wish I didn’t have to spell it out like that. The last thing I want is to draw attention to anything to do with sex or babies.

He studies me for a moment, and it’s damn hard to remain standing straight and keep a poker face.

“I’ll have Dr. Agosti look into it,” is all he says.

Not what I wanted to hear, but it’s a start.

I sit back down and take a long sip of my drink.

“What do you imagine me doing here in my prison all day? I’m already bored out of my brain.”

“You can do whatever your heart desires.”

“My heart desires to go home.”

“We covered that. You are home.”

“Ireland is home.”

He ignores my last comment and goes on as if I’ve never spoken. “You determine how much of a prison it’s going to be. When things between us return to normal and I can trust you, you’ll be able to go out for the day… with security, of course. That part will never change,” he states sternly.

“You see, it’s all up to you. Return to me fully and your freedom increases,” he winks.

He fucking winks… the nerve of the man.

“In the meantime, if you like, I can get some puppies for you to train. There are blind people on this island too who could benefit from your work. Just say the word and I’ll make it happen.”

I don’t reply right away, contemplating his words.

“I assume when you talk about things returning to normal between us, you’re talking about us having sex again?”

“Among other things,” he replies as a lazy, predatory smile spreads across his face.

“In your dreams,” I huff at his audacity.
