Page 38 of Nights At Sea

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I have no intentions of returning things to normal with my captor.

But as for having puppies to train? It could be an excellent distraction from my misery,give me some focus and direction, and help the loneliness that’s sure to creep in before too long.

Before I can say anything more, the servers return with dessert. I’ve hardly touched my food, only nibbled on some bread. Once our conversation started, eating was the last thing on my mind.

Not feeling in the mood for sweets, I wave the server off when he tries to put down a plate with a delicious-looking mousse.

“You’ve hardly touched your dinner,” Gualtiero says. “That’s not like you.”

“Being kidnapped will do that to a girl,” I say sarcastically.

He rises slowly from where he’s sitting and rounds my chair until he comes up beside me.

Leaning down, he whispers softly into my ear, “Even if it was well intended? Even if the man in question only did it because he found his One and Only and couldn’t let her go?”

To my utter annoyance, my heart jumps a beat at his words.

Gualtiero picks up my hand carefully and brings it to his lips for a gentle kiss. And my treacherous body reacts to his touch like it always has. Electricity hums through me, making me hyperaware of his presence.

He drops my hand back into my lap and sits back down, a huge smirk spreading over his unfortunately handsome face.

“Now, princess, there’s another matter we need to settle between us,” he says, having turned all serious with no smile or smirk in sight.

Within a second, his entire persona has turned to stone. His voice is icy, sending a chill through my entire body.

“We need to talk about your attempt to run away from me.”

I swallow hard as unease gathers in my abdomen at his sudden change in tone. My hands go clammy, and I wipe them slowly against the fabric of my dress.

“I have to say, I was rather impressed with your attempt to get away. It was a bold move.” But Gualtiero sounds anything but impressed.

His voice lacks any warmth, and his expression is cold. “You had Emiliano worried for a little while until they could locate you. He wisely didn’t tell me until he had you back.”

I say nothing, just stare at him with an eyebrow raised. He gives a subdued but slightly amused laugh at my expression, and I have to admit I’m relieved to see his icy persona thaw, even if it’s just for a moment.

Icy Gualtiero looks scary as hell.

“I didn’t know you had the spirit of a mountain goat,” he half teases.

Mountain goat? He didn’t just compare me to a goat, did he?!

“There are plenty of things you don’t know about me,” I say defiantly.“And if we have to draw any comparison to animals, then I’m more like a mountain lion than a goat.”

He chuckles, but I don’t join in. “True,cuore mio… I apologize. You’re definitely a fierce lioness.”

“Yes, watch out for the claws… and the sharp teeth,” I jest humorlessly.

He laughs again, the bastard. Does he think this is all a big, fun game he’s already won? Well, I’ve got news for him. I’m not one to roll over and just give up.

“I welcome the challenge to tame you, my beautiful lioness,” he says, full of confidence.

Fuck, he’s infuriating.

What did I ever see in the man?

My blood boils at his arrogance and how he assumes he can determine the outcome of my life.

“If you think I’ll give up, then you don’t know me at all,” I challenge. “But don’t worry, Signor De Marco, I’ve learned from my first failure. That one was a spontaneous undertaking. The next time will be better planned,”I taunt him.
