Page 43 of Nights At Sea

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There dies my hope of escaping through a backdoor.

A shiver runs through me. “Is that to prevent me from escaping or from somebody kidnapping me?”

“Both, actually,” he replies without emotion. “Always remember, you can’t run from me, princess.”

“So you keep telling me.”

Can he read my mind, or does he expect me to have another go? I suppose I told him I’d try again… stupid mistake. I should have kept my mouth shut. But that’s so hard when he annoys me so much.

He kisses my hand again, but I snap it back, looking out of the window to avoid his gaze. He chuckles next to me.

God, I want to punch his face!

“Making me feel like a prisoner is a sure way to make me fall in love with you,” I mumble sarcastically, loud enough for him to hear.

He seems unaffected by my words. “Even down the track, when I can trust you not to run, you’ll always have security with you. Get used to it. You’re too precious to take risks with.”

How romantic… under normal circumstances this would warm my heart. Now it just sends shivers of foreboding through me.

“Where are we going?” I ask.

“To one of my businesses in Catania. I need to check up on things,” he says cryptically.

“And what does that mean?”

Gualtiero ignores my question. “I booked you in for a spa treatment while I’m busy,” he tells me.

Plucking non-existing lint off my dress, I force out a laugh as irritation gets the better of me. “Why do you always do that?”

He raises an eyebrow.

“Why can’t you just answer the fricking question?” I ask, raising my voice. I don’t care that Santino and Fabio can hear.

He’s amused at my outburst. I close my eyes and shake my head.

“There are certain topics, I will never discuss with you. My business dealings are no concern of yours. If there is something you need to know, I will tell you.”

“What sort of relationship do you see us having? One where I just do as I’m told and spread my legs whenever you want?”

He hasthe audacity to smirk at me. “This is neither the time nor the place to discuss this,” he admonishes.

I ignore him and continue on the rampage. “Let me tell you right now, Gualtiero, I’m neither pliable nor obedient like a dog. That’s not the sort of relationship I’ll have. I’m used to being an equal partner and…”

Gualtiero raises a hand to interrupt me, and for some reason, I comply and shut my mouth. Didn’t I just said I wouldn’t do that? I roll my eyes at myself.

He taps a button on the center console, and a screen I never knew existed rises up. Santino and Fabio can still see us if they turn around or glance in the rearview mirror but they can’t listen in.

“So you want to become Mrs. Mafia, do you?” he asks, sarcasm dripping from his voice.

The blood drains from my face. My eyes widen, and my mouth falls open.

Oh my God.

It’s the first time he’s admitted to being a Mafioso.

I mean, I’ve suspected it. There are too many things that don’t add up, but I ignored the little voice telling me something was amiss.

Holy shit.
