Page 44 of Nights At Sea

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I got involved with a criminal. And not just any criminal, but the don.

No wonder I have a target on my back.

It’s probably not just other gangsters who are after me but law enforcement and Interpol too, and God knows who else.

Fuck. I think I’m going to throw up.

I’m in way over my head here. And to think I’ve only got into this mess because of a random act of kindness.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

I should have listened to my gut when it told me to stay away from Gualtiero De Marco.

What am I going to do?

Glaring at him seems like a good option. So I do… with a bravado I don’t feel, I narrow my eyes and spit fire in his direction.

“That’s what I thought,” he says calmly.

He’s always so fucking calm. I can’t deal with it.

I eventually find my voice again. “Do you traffic drugs?” I ask, needing to know what kind of person I got involved with.

He doesn’t respond, just holds my gaze, his expression blank. Does that mean yes or no? I can’t read him.

“Weapons?” I ask.

Again, no reaction.

Oh my God, what if it’s worse than that?

“Please tell me you’re not into human trafficking.”

The horror in my voice finally makes him respond. He sighs. “No, we’re not.”

“Then what?” I need to understand what Tiero is capable of.

“Ella, I will never discuss business with you. It’s best you know very little about what’s going on. There’s a reason we keep women separate from it all. This is a man’s world.”

I scoff. What century are we living in?!

But then, I certainly want nothing to do with his world.

“Stop asking questions and watch your smart mouth. It won’t get you anywhere other than over my knee for a good spanking.”

I roll my eyes. He really is under the misguided impression he can shape me into a compliant little plaything.

Oh boy, he’s in for a rude awakening. Nobody controls or commands me…

But I hold my tongue. No good would come from telling him. He’d just see it as a personal challenge. No, thank you.

“Don’t worry, you’ll learn your place soon enough.”

God, he really wants a fight, doesn’t he?

I take in a deep breath and, biting my lip, count to ten.

Nope, still annoyed.
