Page 70 of Nights At Sea

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The main part of the restaurant appears busy tonight, the happy chatter of the patrons filling the night air. Our security crew is surrounding us, making sure no one has the chance to get close. Oriana has the day off, and I couldn’t be happier about it. Alonso is here though, and I know his hawk eyes will never leave me.

As we walk into the room, all eyes go to Gualtiero, and everyone stands a little straighter and quietens down. The men nod respectfully in his direction, and the women send beaming smiles.

I wonder if the women here are born into the Mafia circles like Mariella or if any of them are outsiders like me. If they are, did they seek this life or did they get caught up in it unknowingly, just like I did?

I can’t imagine anyone voluntarily living in a world of crime. But then there are women who hunt for the trappings and security of wealth, and maybe sometimes the thrill of the taboo, too.

The room is filled to the brim. At a guess, there are about sixty people noisily celebrating. Alcohol is already flowing like water, and the happy mood is contagious.

Mateo is here, and when he sees us enter, he makes a beeline for us. He hugs his brother, patting him on the back, clearly happy to see him. Gualtiero affectionately slaps him back. Those two really are close and care for each other. It warms my heart, given the cold world they live in and help sustain.

Someone hands Gualtiero a drink, and the room quietens when he clinks his pocketknife against the glass to say a few words. It’s in Italian and presumably praising the birthday boy who stands in the middle of the room. Though boy is truly the wrong word. There’s nothing boyish about him. Renaldo, I heard his name mentioned a few times, appears to be in his midthirties and, like all of Tiero’s men, is bulky, with a stern expression. Another one of those people you wouldn’t want to meet in a dark alley… or actually anywhere for that matter.

Glasses are raised, and toasts uttered.

Gualtiero is still on his first drink while I’m on my second glass of champagne. I’ve noticed before he doesn’t drink much. Is it because the less he drinks, the less likely anyone could poison him? Nah… I dismiss the idea.

As the boss of an empire, he has to keep a clear head at all times, ready to make decisions at a breath’s notice. I admire his discipline and willingness to work hard. It’s a commendable quality. If only it was directed to doing good.

I’m introduced to the high-ranking capos in Gualtiero’s organization. Amongst them is Mariella’s father. Seeing him up close, I understand better why she doesn’t get along with him. Antonio Accardi is not the most welcoming person, quite the opposite… he’s cold, with calculating eyes. Yes, the happiness of his daughter would not matter to him.

He gives me a somewhat polite nod, but when Gualtiero isn’t looking, he’s sizing me up like a bug under a microscope. I glare right back at him. I don’t like this man.

Most of the wives I meet are pretty and always smiling, and I get the impression that meek and obedient is a top requirement for the job.

They’re all very gracious with me, and to my surprise, they all speak English. But my quota for polite small talk is quickly reached.

I fondle the charm necklace Tiero gave me on the island as I listen to their dribble. I tried many times to take it off on my own, but the clasp is so complicated I’ve never managed it. I even attempted to tear it off but gave up when it just dug into my skin.

Despite my anger at Gualtiero, I have to admit I still love it and am glad I didn’t ruin it. The charms are so beautiful and remind me of happier times.

Halfway through the evening, Gualtiero’s cellphone rings. He hasn’t left my side, but when he sees the caller ID, he excuses himself and disappears out onto the terrace with Santino in tow.

On his return, his easygoing manner has vanished. Tension grips him once again. I stop listening to the women’s gossip and watch Gualtiero as he heads straight for Mateo and some other guys standing with him. A heated discussion follows, directions are barked, and then a third of the room is on the move.

The food in my stomach churns by the time Gualtiero pulls me aside. Something is terribly wrong. I can see it in the way his jaw clenches.

“Ella, I need to go but will be back for you later. You stay here and get to know these women. Alonso and a few others will remain here, so you’re safe.”

My brows furrow. “I’m not worried about my safety, Tiero. You should take them with you… to make sure you’re safe.”

“Don’t worry about me, princess. I’ll be fine.” He kisses my forehead and turns to leave.

“Tiero.” I grab his arm to stop him. He turns around, an impatient eyebrow raised. “Please be careful.”

A small smile breaks through his serious expression, and he leans in and kisses the top of my head. “Always,” he replies before he walks over to Alonso, giving him instructions, and walking out of the room.

With a deep sigh, I re-join the group of women who have watched my interaction with Tiero closely. I don’t want to be back with them, though the conversation might be more interesting now that their men aren’t here to censure them.

Alonso is within earshot, and I wonder if Gualtiero’s instructions included listening in to what I might say and making sure I won’t talk about being held captive. I bristle at the thought, and the anger of my circumstances resurfaces. Gualtiero really leaves nothing to chance.

Sadly, I was wrong to hope the topics of conversation would improve, but it’s just as boring as before. It’s all about the latest fashion and about their brood of will-be-gangster children.

Someone get me out of here!

With a fake smile on my face, I excuse myself and signal to Alonso who’s by my side instantly. “I need to use the bathroom,” I tell him.

I need a breather from this crowd that’s watching me like a show pony. There are judgmental eyes on me everywhere.
