Page 71 of Nights At Sea

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Alonso walks ahead of me and another guy I haven’t met before shadows my back. We leave the private dining room and make our way to the restaurant’s bathrooms. After Alonso scopes it out, I’m allowed to enter.

Happily closing the door behind me, I let out a deep sigh. Thankfully, I’m alone in here. There’s a chaise tucked into a corner, and I take a seat to contemplate how I can convince Alonso to take me back to the house instead of waiting for Gualtiero here.

A flush sounds and a cubicle door opens. A young, twenty-odd-year-old girl steps out. Washing her hands, she eyes me in the mirror.

“Buonasera,” she smiles at me. ”Como stai?”

“Bene. Grazie,” I reply.

Her smile widens. “You’re English?” she asks with only a slight accent.

“Was my pronunciation that bad?”

“No, not at all,” she laughs. “I went to boarding school in England, so I’ve got a pretty good ear for it.”

“Actually, I live in Dublin,” I say.

“Oh, you don’t have an Irish accent,” she remarks. She takes out a hair clip from her handbag and bunches her long blonde hair together in her nape.

“No, I don’t. My parents were sticklers for speaking properly so I could be understood anywhere I go.”

“Well, they did an excellent job.” She stretches out her hand in greeting. “My name is Sofia.”

I shake her hand, replying, “Nice to meet you, Sofia. I’m Ella.”

Her eyes meet mine, and I’m astonished by their color. It’s a muddy-looking green I’ve not seen in anyone before. Her eyes shine bright and clear. Freckles dot her nose, giving her a cute and almost-innocent appearance. She seems to have an exuberant, bubbly personality, which reminds me of Rhia. Gosh, I miss her so much. Shame Sofia isn’t part of my approved circle to mingle with.

“You don’t look too thrilled to be here.”She observes, sitting down next to me. “Are you hiding in here?”

“Wouldn’t you if you were kidnapped and have been guarded relentlessly ever since?” I say, surprising myself. I intended for it to sound like a joke but failed miserably as the contempt for my situation bleeds through my voice.

Sofia blanches. “You’ve been kidnapped?! Oh my God,are you serious?”

“Sorry, Sofia. I shouldn’t have said that. I better go.”

I stand to go, but she grabs my hand and pulls me back onto the chaise. “So, I assume you’re being watched now?”

“Yes, they’re waiting outside for me,” I tell her.

She jumps up and paces the room, seeming deep in thought. “Okay. You’ve been in here for a while now. One of them will probably come and check on you any moment. When he does, tell him you just got your period and you need him to get you some tampons.” At my questioning look, she adds, “Trust me. This works every time. Most men can’t cope with women’s cycles. He won’t ask questions.”

“Why are you trying to help me?”

Before she can answer, there’s a knock on the door and Alonso calls out, “Miss O’Neil, is everything okay?”

I glance at Sofia, and she nods at me encouragingly. I stand up and go to the door. Alonso opens it before I can get there and steps in. His eyes land on me before moving on to Sofia, studying her suspiciously.

I clear my throat to bring his attention back to me. Acting embarrassed, I lean in closer and whisper, “Alonso, I just got my period and am bleeding a lot. I had to throw out my underwear and the toilet paper I’m using won’t hold up for long. I can’t leave this bathroom until you get me tampons and new underwear.”

He looks at me, horrified, and I have to suppress the laughter that wants to bubble up at his expression.

“Can’t she help?” Alonso asks, pointing at Sofia.

“I asked her, but she’s got nothing on her.” I look at him imploringly, “Please Alonso, can you get me something? I don’t want to spend all night in here.”

He pulls out his phone, calls someone, and speaks in rapid Italian. I wish I could understand. I’ll ask Gualtiero to organize some language lessons for me. If I’m stuck in this country, then I at least should learn the language. That surely will help when the time comes to escape.

Finishing his phone call, Alonso nods at me. “I’ve sent someone to a nearby shop. It shouldn’t take too long. I’ll be waiting outside.”
