Page 73 of Nights At Sea

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“So, what’s next, then?”

She looks at me and grins. “Shall we go for a drink? There’s a great little bar down this street.” She points to a neon-lit sign a few yards away. I stare at her incredulously. She can’t be serious.

“Think about it. When they search for you, the last place they’d expect you to be is at a bar.”

“True. But I don’t think I have the nerves to pull off a relaxed, happy vibe. Plus, I need to get out of Sicily pronto before they check the train and ferry stations.”

“Good point,” she agrees just as her phone goes off with a message alert. She reads it and quickly types out a text. To me she says, “That’s my parents wondering where I am.”

We make our way down the street when some commotion behind us catches my attention. I turn around just to see two motorbikes heading toward us. Alonso is riding one of them.

Crap, how did he find me so quickly? How did he know what direction we went?

“Shit,” I yell out just as Sofia turns around and notices them, too.

She grabs my hand, and we run. We reach the end of the street and make a left turn just as a delivery van stops right in front of us with screeching wheels. The side door slides open and a mountain of a man grabs me around the waist and pulls me inside.

I scream.

Everything is happening so fast.

Who are they? Friend or foe? At this stage, I’m assuming this is Gualtiero’s crew. Who else would know I’m on the run?

But when I see Sofia jump into the van, I’m not so sure.

Are these guys here to help us?

The van takes off, and we nearly fall over. The man mountain shoves me to the side, and I stumble against the back wall. He’s standing in the open doorway, pulling out a gun from his jacket.

Holy shit, he’s armed!

He takes aim and fires a few times. My heart is in my throat. What is happening?!

I glance at Sofia, who’s staring through the open side door, holding on tight to a handlebar near the roof. Her facial expression hasn’t changed, while I’m sure mine is one of terror.

How the hell is she so calm when we’re in the middle of a gunfight?

My body is trembling, and I curl into a ball, tucking my head against my chest. I squeeze my eyes shut, not wanting to see any more.

Sofia’s scream makes me jerk up in time to see the man mountain fall out of the speeding van. Oh my God, has he been shot?

More gunshots ring through the air, and I cower on the floor.

This is a nightmare!

One I’m not sure I’ll make it out alive from.

My pulse races, the sound of my heartbeat thrashing in my ears. Oma’s and Rhia’s images float into my mind. I won’t be able to say goodbye.

There are no windows, and I can’t see what’s going on. The van suddenly comes to a halt… more gunshots.

Then Alonso jumps into the van, pointing his gun at Sofia.

My heart stops.

Is he going to shoot her? Another one of Gualtiero’s men opens the back door, and I nearly fall out. He lifts me into his arms and carries me away to a waiting SUV and puts me into the backseat. He slides in next to me, and the car scurries away.

I’m shaking all over. People died tonight… because of me. Nauseated, my vision blurs. I’m going to be sick.
