Page 72 of Nights At Sea

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“Thank you, Alonso.” I turn to go back to the chaise.

“And you Miss?” Alonso looks at Sofia expectantly, “Aren’t there people waiting for you?” It’s clear he wants her gone, but she plays on her innocence and sends him a big smile.

“Not really. I try to avoid family dinners as much as possible. I’ll keep Ella company,” Sofia says, undeterred by my guard’s scrutinizing gaze. He looks at me, but I just shrug as if to say, ”What can I do about it?”

He leaves the room reluctantly, and we are once again alone. Sofia looks around the room and gets up to open a window.

“Come on,” she says, waving to me to follow her. “Let’s go.”

Chapter Seventeen


“Whatdoyoumean,let’s go?” I ask, a little dumbfounded.

“I have my car parked on the next street. I’ll take you to a train station and you can hop on a train to Rome and then go to the Irish embassy or something. They’ll be able to help you,” Sofia explains.

“Wait. What?” I ask in disbelief.

“Come on, Ella. Your goon will be back before you know it.”

“Why are you helping me, Sofia?” I ask again.

“Because you were kidnapped and we’re in Sicily. We can’t exactly go to the police.”

I still hesitate. Could it really be that easy? Just slide out of a bathroom window and disappear? Surely, there’s a guard close by.

“Ella, I’ve grown up in a corrupt family. If you don’t make your break now, you might never get the chance again. I’ve spent a lot of my life dodging my security guards. I know how to do it. Come on, we really don’t have a lot of time.”

Before I can think better of it, I’m on the move.

What the heck am I doing?

But I can’t miss this opportunity for freedom.

Sofia climbs out first to make sure nobody is out there. When she gives me the all-clear, I squeeze through the small window and land in a little courtyard that’s surrounded by other buildings on all sides.

We duck behind a bush. Sofia points to a little gate on the opposite side, and I nod in acknowledgment. She points to our feet and starts taking off her heels, and I follow her example, taking off my strappy sandals.

We creep beside the walls until we reach the gate. Sofia signals for me to wait while she does some reconnaissance. Happy with what she sees, she reaches for my hand and pulls me into a dimly lit side street. She puts her arm through mine, and we begin to calmly walk down the quiet street.

Her casual demeanor surprises me. All I want to do is run and put as much distance between me and the restaurant as quickly as possible. Has Alonso noticed I’m gone yet? Are they looking for me already?

“I’ve learned that the secret to a successful escape is to make it look like you aren’t escaping. If you run or rush, you draw attention to yourself. You want to blend into your surroundings,” she explains, as if reading my thoughts. “So, we’re just two friends having a fun night out.”

She studies me for a moment. “Though you look like you’re freaking out. Try to appear calm. Take a few deep breaths,” she instructs.

“If I look like I’m freaking out, it’s because I am,” I shriek. “Walking slowly goes against every instinct I have at the moment.”

We reach a larger street with several restaurants along the sidewalk. Lots of people are roaming about. Laughter, music, and the aroma of fine food fill the air, and we blend into the crowd.

“I get you’re in total flight mode, that’s understandable. But if you don’t want to draw attention to us, you need to relax.”

Sofia seems completely unfazed, calm and collected. How often has she done this to be so detached? Adrenaline is pumping through my veins, and a yell behind us makes me jump. I take a quick glance over my shoulder but only see a group of young men drinking and poking fun at each other.

“Where is your car?” I ask Sofia.

“I decided it was best to leave it behind. It was too close to the front door. Someone could have seen us get in.”
