Page 82 of Nights At Sea

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Mariella told me there are staff quarters on the property. I stare after him for a moment, wondering about the lives of the people I’ve met.

I’m not the only one caught in circumstances of someone else’s choosing.

Everyone, including Gualtiero, seems to have had their life path chosen for them. Is it any wonder that despite all the luxury surrounding us, there’s a distinct lack of joy?

The energy here is unlike anything I’ve experienced. It’s oppressive and dark, and in urgent need of light.

I grab a glass of orange juice before heading back to my room. I pass the open terrace door on my way and hear some guys speaking German.

I wonder if it’s the same guys I overheard before. Are they making bets again? Maybe they’ll give me something to laugh about. Curious, I stop and listen.

It makes my blood run cold. One guy is questioning how long Gualtiero will be able to hold his empire together. His voice sounds familiar, but I can’t immediately place him.

He’s blaming me for Gualtiero’s lack of focus and wonders what will happen should Molinaro succeed.

Oh my God, are these the beginnings of a mutiny?

And are they right? Am I the reason things aren’t working out for Gualtiero lately? He appears to be under enormous stress and me trying to run only adds to his woes.

What am I supposed to do?

I can’t give up on my quest for freedom, but I also can’t be the reason for Tiero’s downfall.

I massage my temples. All of this is giving me a headache.

I wish I had the answers.

After tossing and turning for the rest of the night, I wake up a few hours later. The realization of how many people are unhappy in this house is weighing heavily on my mind, as is the conversation I’ve overheard.

Even before I open my eyelids, I sense Gualtiero’s eyes on me.

How did I not hear him come in, given my restless sleep?

He lies fully dressed on top of the comforter, watching me. I roll onto my side to face him.

We don’t speak for several minutes, but just look at each other.

His demeanor has changed, and he seems back to his calm and controlled self. Since I’ve known him, nothing has ever rattled him. The fact that he was so furious with me speaks volumes about his feelings for me, even if it’s in a somewhat perverse way.

“I’m sorry about how your father died,”I say, breaking the silence.

What I almost said was“I’m sorry about the other night,” but that wouldn’t have been true because I’m not regretting I tried to run.

What’s weighing on my heart is that I made a rash decision without thinking about the consequences, and that my actions caused death and injury… but that’s not something I want to admit to him.

However, I am deeply sorry for the loss of his parents. First his mum when he was only a boy and then his dad many years later. Having lived the same hell that comes with losing someone so integral to your life, I understand how much it hurts, how deep it cuts into your soul.

“It was a long time ago,” Gualtiero says somberly. “In my line of business, you don’t get to live to a ripe old age.” He deflects the emotions running across his handsome face.

“Gee, you’re selling it well,” I joke.

“Unfortunately, it’s the reality of my world. But however many days, weeks, or years I have left, I want to spend them with you, Ella,” he says earnestly, his eyes swallowing me up in their depth.

He reaches for my face and caresses my cheek lovingly. I feel some of my resolve to resist him slipping away, my heart melting at his words.

“I will not lose you,” he vows, more to himself than me.

The kidnapping attempt has really rattled him. “I will do anything in my power to keep you safe. But you have to help me do that, Ella. No more running,” he implores. “Give us a chance… please. We’re good together.”
