Page 2 of A New Dawn

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“What?” I yell into the phone as I study the photos. They show Mauro, one of my most trusted capos with Molinaro. The picture is slightly grainy as if it’s taken in low light, but it’s definitely them.

“When and where was this?”

“Switzerland yesterday.”

“Who took the picture?”

“Antonio. Mauro said something on the phone that made him suspicious. He and a few of his men drove to Switzerland to investigate and found him with Molinaro. When they went to confront Mauro at his hotel, he and everybody with him were dead.”

“Antonio didn’t follow protocol. He should have told us.”

I’m fuming. Something about this is off.

“He claims there was no time.”

“Bullshit. He had hours on his trip to Switzerland to call. We have rules for a reason. There is something he’s not telling us. Bring him in. I have questions and—“

“Go easy on him,” Mateo interrupts. “He found our mole. He just wants to be the hero. You know he’s angling for consigliere when Emiliano retires.

“The mole is eliminated, Tiero. That’s all that matters. Too bad we can’t deal with him ourselves. I would have liked to see him die slowly for his betrayal.”

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Mauro was sent to Switzerland to find Ella. And if he worked for Molinaro, that can only mean one thing. He fed the information he found on her to my enemy. No wonder he had nothing to report. I want to murder him myself!

Thank fuck Santino vetted and cleared Sergio already.

“Tell Sergio to keep digging in Lucerne. In the meantime, we must deal with Molinaro once and for all. With Ella missing, I can’t take any chances.

“And Antonio’s breach of confidence has to be dealt with. I’m done being lenient. He knows better than anyone the consequences for disobedience. Is Molinaro still in Switzerland?”


“Then let’s go. Get ready. I’ll meet you at the airstrip in an hour. This ends now.” I’m about to hang up, but Mateo stops me.

“Wait. There is more.”

“What?” I ask impatiently, jogging to my room to pack a bag. Too many questions are firing off in my head all at once.

Mauro was in my inner circle, privy to sensitive information. What has he passed on?


And how do we know Mauro was the only mole? With him dead, I can’t get answers.

Molinaro must have gotten what he was after if Mauro outlived his usefulness. Ella’s face floats into my mind.

Angel, where the hell are you?

I stop beside the bed we shared and close my eyes, trying to sense her. But I can’t… the stress of the past few weeks is catching up with me, and my connection with her is disturbed. But I would sense if she truly was in trouble, wouldn’t I?

Mateo’s voice brings me back to the here and now.

“Tiero? Are you still there?” he asks.

“Yes,” I grunt. It’s all I seem to do these days.

“There’s a credible lead on Ella.”
