Page 31 of A New Dawn

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But God knows what happened to her. She seems on edge and not willing to trust easily, keeping things close to her chest. And what a damn fine chest that is! I couldn’t look away from that wet blouse. My cock was rock hard. I had to get away from her or I would have ravished those beautiful tits right then and there, no matter who was watching.

My time will come… as long as I don’t mess up.

Come on, Ade. Asking a woman out can’t be that hard.

Memories of Riley’s haunted eyes when we first met come alive again. Who’s chasing her? What are we up against?

I need to get to the bottom of this. Gary will know, but will he tell me?

Has she been on the run for long? If she has, she’s probably craving stability. I want to give that to her. That and everything else.

I want to be the one she can rely on and trust, who’s there to support and protect her. No harm will come to her on my watch.

But for that to work, I need to know her better. I crave to learn what makes her tick, what makes her smile, and, later, what makes her unravel in pleasure. That thought wakes up my cock.

Yeah, I’m with you, buddy, but that will have to wait.

Riley wakes up just as we reach the outskirts of Atlanta. The radio is playing; I turned it on to some news channel to help me stay awake, but I’m not really listening to it, my mind too busy thinking about the incredible creature sitting next to me.

It’s close to midnight, and I’m tired. The training I led had a lot of night drills and all involved got little sleep all week.

“Hey, Sunshine. How are you feeling?”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to fall asleep. Are you okay driving all the way? Should we swap?”

“Nah. All good. We’re almost there now. Ten more minutes, and we’ll be at Atlanta airport. My car is there, and I’ll drive you to your apartment in Marietta.”

“Oh, I’m asking too much of you. I can always take a taxi, so you can go straight home.”

I laugh. She’s cute. “You haven’t asked me, I offered. Besides, you’ll need me to get into the building. I have the codes and the key for the apartment.”

“Right, well thank you. I appreciate your help.” Leaning forward to look outside, she adds, “The weather isn’t so bad here.”

“You were right. The worst of the storm has moved on.” It’s still raining, but there is no more thunder and the wind has completely dropped. “Maybe you made it go away.”

“Ha ha. I wish I had such powers,” she replies.

Now that we’re only minutes away from the airport, the pressure to ask her out is mounting. I need to know that we’ll spend more time together. Butterflies spread through my veins.

Why am I so edgy?

I let out a long breath.

Come on, man. Just do it!

I nervously tap the steering wheel, when Riley reaches to turn up the radio.

“Listen, Riley. I’ve been thinking…”

“… the last thing any of us want to see is a human embryo in a monkey’s uterus.”

What the hell?

Riley giggles beside me. “That reporter is right. I definitely wouldn’t want to see that. That’s just wrong.”

I don’t respond. Fuck. Why is everything conspiring against me when I just want to ask the girl out?!

Tension prickles along the back of my neck.
