Page 32 of A New Dawn

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Why does someone else finish my sentence? What is it with that?

Screw it!


Cock-a-doodle-do. Cock-a-doodle-do…My phone rings.

Oh, come on, guys. Why?! Why now at midnight?

I purse my lips in frustration.


Riley’s eyebrows rise in surprise. “That’s your ringtone?” she asks, amused. “Why would you choose a rooster?”

“I didn’t. Ethan, the clown, did,” I huff, my temperature rising. “I haven’t gotten around to changing it. Can you please answer it? That’s probably Joe.”

And it is. Riley talks with him briefly and then hangs up, her hands cupping her face.

“Jeez. Hearing him talk brought it all back. She wouldn’t really have slept on the hay, would she? How am I going to face them again? Do you have any idea how hard it was not to laugh out loud?”

“You did well. Not sure how I’ll go actually seeing them.”

“Oh god,” Riley groans next to me. “They arrived an hour ago and are waiting for us in the parking garage.”

I nod. We’ve just reached it. Driving in, I spot them right away. Joe is pacing up and down while the rest of them sit on the concrete. Oh, this should be fun.

We park beside their rental and get out of the car.

“I was beginning to worry you ran off with our luggage,” Joe greets us. It’s on the tip of my tongue to say “Nay, we haven’t got the whole costume,” but Riley elbows my side. Can she read my mind?

And what is it with not saying hello? As if his bags would be worth stealing… then again, who knows what other treasures they hold. It would have been courteous to ask of our trip. A tree nearly fell on us after all. Gratitude goes a long way.

“There was an accident on the interstate. We took a detour and got a little lost,” Riley explains our delay.

Yeah, we got a little lost watching your home video… neighhh.

I chuckle, and he throws a curious look my way. Riley bites her lips and quickly turns her head to hide her face, but I see her shoulders shake with laughter.

Joe raises a finger and signals to the kids to push a couple of luggage carts ready on standby closer to us. We begin to empty the car. They really need to travel lighter… the number of suitcases and bags for a short trip is ridiculous. Thankfully, taking everything out of our sardine tin is easier than packing it.

When we’re all done, we shake hands. “Have you got much farther to go tonight?” Joe asks.

“Neigh,” I begin. “Not far.”

Sue freezes. “What did you just say?” Joe asks, taken aback.

“Not far,” I reply, smiling at him. “Nice to have met you.”

“Oh… yeah. You too,” Joe mumbles.

“Have a safe trip home,” Sue adds, looking relieved. “Thanks again for your help.”

When they’re out of sight, Riley hits my arm. “You! I have no words.”

“Come on. Admit that was worth it.”

“Oh my god! I had to turn away or I would have burst out laughing, giving us away.”
