Page 46 of A New Dawn

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“Of course not. But that’s what she’s going to be known as.” He smiles at me. He knows I want more. “She can tell you herself, if she so chooses. My lips are sealed.”

The ding of the elevator down the corridor brings our conversation to an end.

“Ah, that will be Martin. We’ve got a meeting.”

He stands and walks around his desk. “Amend the basic training plan. Marni will show her around on Monday. Let’s get her training started after that.”

“I can show her around,” I say eagerly. Any chance I can get to spend time with her is fine by me.

Gary chuckles. “There’s no rush, Angel. She’s here for the long run. Leave it to Marni. It’s part of her job. Besides, you have a meeting with Rogers in the morning to work out the training for his new recruits.” I groan inwardly. I’ve completely forgotten about it; Riley is the only thing on my mind.

As I leave Gary’s office and head back to my own, I wonder what Riley is up to. Is she having a sleep in? It wouldn’t surprise me given our late night. If she’s been on the run for the past few weeks, she must be exhausted. The urge to check in on her is high, but I’ll wait a little while longer.

I sit behind my desk and bring up her personnel file on my computer, staring at her picture.

How can I win her trust? And more importantly, her heart?

Chapter Twelve


Iwakeuplatethe next morning in a sullen mood. Actually, it’s still the same day given it was around two o’clock when I finally went to sleep after talking with Rhia. My thoughts were with Tiero as I drifted off, praying that he was really okay. But just before sleep took me, Tiero’s image shifted to Aiden.

Just thinking of him wakes up the butterflies in my stomach. Or perhaps it’s the baby… yeah, I like that thought much better, even though I know it’s too early to feel any movements.

My new phone blinks on the nightstand, and I pick it up to check my messages.

Shoot, Gary sent one hours ago, confirming our lunch appointment. He and his wife will be here at midday to take me out.

Shit, I’ve only got an hour to get ready. Nerves hit me hard; I’ll have to come clean about the baby. How will that go down?

I walk into the bathroom for a quick shower and find another surprise waiting for me.

On the bathroom counter is a thin tall vase with a single lotus flower in it. A card leans against the mirror.

The lotus floweris a symbol of rebirth, regeneration, and enlightenment. This is because it emerges from muddy waters and blooms during the day, then closes up at nightfall, only to repeat the process the next day.

You are like this lotus flower, El. You’ve left the murky past few weeks behind… no, make that murky years. Life since your parents’ accident has been hard for you, but you’ve emerged even stronger and more beautiful than ever before.

I love you!


Aww. She’s really spoiling me. I wish I could repay her somehow, but if I had anything delivered to her apartment, Tiero would get wind of it, putting Rhia in danger.

A tear rolls down my cheek. I don’t feel stronger or more beautiful. But I feel loved. And isn’t that the best feeling?

As I step into the shower and wash myself, I notice my abdomen seems already bigger. Wow, I didn’t think I’d start showing quite this early. As I soap my legs, I also notice my ankles are a little swollen. Isn’t that meant to happen much later?

But what do I know about being pregnant? I wish I could ask Ma and share this special time with her.

I’m immediately overcome with sadness. My parents will never meet peanut. They would have been the best grandparents and taught him or her so much. Maybe I’ll name the baby after Ma or Da and bring them closer to us that way.

For now, though, I’ll have to save my questions for a doctor. I need to make an appointment as soon as possible. And I need to get some books. Having said that, I bet Rhia is already onto that. By tomorrow morning, I’ll probably have a whole stack of them. And she’ll order a set for herself so she can read along with me. God, I love her!

Gary is perfectly punctual. At twelve on the dot, the doorbell rings.

I’m nervous about meeting the man face to face. He can so easily make my life easier or inestimably harder.
