Page 69 of A New Dawn

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“Not gonna happen. I’m not going there. You might as well accept that now.”

“Uhhh,” Rhi whines into the phone. “Report back to me tomorrow anyway.”

“Okay. Though, there won’t be anything to tell.”

When I open the front door, Aiden stands there, his arms laden with takeaway containers and brown grocery shopping bags. The wonderful aroma of spices permeates the air and my mouth waters in response.

“Are we expecting company, or are you intending to feed an army?”

He laughs. “No, this is just for us. I’ve got a healthy appetite.”

I cock my head at him. I guess all this muscle needs feeding.

“Do you want to watch another movie while we eat?” he asks.

That seems like an excellent idea… it requires no talking.

Instead of answering, I stride into the living room and turn on the television. We set up camp with me sitting on the floor by the coffee table, leaning against the couch, while Aiden makes himself comfortable behind me.

We eat in silence, watching yet another action thriller. It’s not what I would usually pick. Rom-coms are my go-to, but I need to stay away from anything romantic. The last thing I want is to create another moment… But why does my heart flutter at the thought?

“Miranda texted to invite you to Ethan and Garrett’s birthday party tomorrow. I can take you,” Aiden says, breaking the silence between us.

“I can’t ask that of you, Ade.” Since when do I call him Ade? It’s way too familiar, but it just slipped out. “It would be too much trouble for you to drive back and forth. I’ll just take an Uber or something.”

“Rubbish. I’ll stay the night in the staff quarters downstairs, and we’ll drive up to Ellijay in the morning.”

“There are staff quarters?”

“Yes, sometimes we work late into the night and rather than risk driving home overtired, we stay here. Gary converted one-half of a floor of this building into bedrooms and the other half into a recreational area. I’ll show you on Monday when you get the grand tour.”

I nod enthusiastically. Why is the thought of having Aiden close by so damn comforting? I’ve spent the better part of the last three weeks on my own and was just fine.

Or were you?That little annoying voice inside me questions.Shut up,I tell it, knowing full well that I jumped at every little noise when I was alone in my cabin on the ship and was always looking over my shoulder.

My body and mind seem to relax when Aiden is around. He has this air of confidence and assuredness about him. As long as he’s around, I feel safe and protected. Deep in my soul, I know he would never let anything happen to me. The comfort that brings is immeasurable.

I wake in the middle of the night and, for one frightening moment, I have no idea where I am. My heart rate immediately races, and I swallow my fear.

I’m covered with a blanket, and the television is on but the sound is off. I scan the room and while it looks familiar, my tired brain doesn’t recognize it right away.

Then it dawns on me.

Atlanta… Freemont apartment… I am safe.

I let out a relieved breath when I realize there’s an arm snaked around my waist. I’m held tightly against a hard body, my head resting on a muscular bicep.


My body relaxes, and the moment of fear is forgotten. I’m still half-asleep, but his unmistakable scent registers, and I sigh contentedly. Smiling to myself, I close my eyes again and snuggle deeper against the wall of a man behind me.

This is home.

This is where I can let my walls down.

Unbidden, hazel-brown eyes jump into my mind.

