Page 68 of A New Dawn

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Oh jeez. Could this man be any more perfect?!

As soon as I hear the front door close, I fall front first onto the bed and moan loudly into the mattress.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

What just happened?

If it hadn’t been for Rhia, I would have kissed him.


I press redial, and she answers on the second ring.

“Thank God you called when you did,” I say without greeting.

“Why? What happened?” she asks, alarmed.

“Aiden was here, and we…” I stammer.

“We what?” Rhia asks impatiently.

“We had a moment… or were about to…”

“A moment of what exactly?” Immediately she sounds more excited.

“We nearly kissed.”

“I’m sorry I rang then. Where is he now? Shall I call back later… or tomorrow?” She’s dead serious.

“Ha ha, very funny. No, he’s gone to get some takeaway.”

“Interesting.” I can just picture her rubbing her hands together. “Why is he there? You need to fill me in on a few things, don’t you? How much can possibly have happened in less than a day?”


I tell Rhia about everything that occurred since we ended our phone call yesterday. We sob together about the baby, and she swoons at Aiden turning up with flowers.

“So you would have really kissed him?”

I cringe just remembering. “It all just happened of its own accord. The kiss seemed inevitable, like the next logical step.”

“And he’s coming back for dinner?”

“It’s a terrible idea, isn’t it?”

“Not at all. He sounds quite perfect for you.”

“I’m aware,” I huff, not liking having it pointed out to me. “But nobody can be that perfect. There has to be a pitfall with him.”

“After what happened with Tiero, I can understand why you’d think that. But there are truly good people in this world. Just look at Lex.”

“Good point, but even he’s not perfect. He omitted the truth from you.”

“There’s that. But he’s still perfect for me.” Rhia can’t hide the smile in her voice, nor should she, because she’s dead right. “I’ll find out more about Aiden from Lex, but the fact he’s working at Freemont, risked his life for his country for years, and now is looking after you, speaks volumes. He’s clearly not a baddy like Tiero, but a really good guy. And on top of that, he seems to adore you.Go Ellais all I have to say.”

A knock on the front door stops my retort… actually I didn’t have one. “I have to go Rhi. I think Aiden is back.”

“Yes, you go, and please have some fun. You need it after all this drama!”
