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“Well now we are successfully out of the house, and we will soon reach the church as well. Let’s hurry,” Kathy said as they treaded through the woods.

They walked in silence, their eyes scanning the surroundings to look for wildflowers that were beautiful enough for a bride. Just as Edna had expected, her heart thumped louder with every step she took towards the church; knowing that Ronin was waiting for her there.

“Look at them!” Kathy suddenly said and pointed towards a small tree that bore beautiful, pink wildflowers. They walked to the tree and Jana expertly started plucking out the flowers a little larger in size. Once she had an ample number of them, she walked towards Edna.

“Turn around.”

Edna quickly turned around and waited as Jana weaved the flowers through her hair, forming a half braid. Once her hair was done, she spun dramatically in front of her friends to give them the full view and they laughed.

“The most beautiful bride ever, indeed,” Kathy said once again.

“Well, we are off to the church now,” Laura said quickly.

Edna recalledhow, as children, they would always walk with their arms linked, no matter where they went. This made them feel safer and closer to one another. Everyone in town knew how strong their friendship was, and they became accustomed to seeing them together, walking with their hands interlocked as if they were inseparable. Edna couldn't believe she was walking to church in the same way, with her friends who loved her with all their hearts and she loved just as much.

Soon after, they arrived at the church but Edna knew she couldn’t go inside. If anyone else was there and saw her arrive dressed in white, it would be too easy to put two and two together.

“I don’t think it is wise for me tae walk inside. One of ye should go and let him know that I am here,” Edna said.

“I will,” Laura quickly volunteered and walked towards the church.

Edna had no idea how the day would unfold, but she hoped that everything would go well for her and Ronin.


Ronin paced around the church, watching as people entered and exited after meeting the pastor. Hecouldn't help but wonder what the pastor was thinking when he looked up and gave him his familiar smile. He was convinced that hewas secretly hoping Edna would not show up and the ceremony would not take place.

He knew she was in love with him and wanted this to happen. He had no doubt that she, like him, was worried about everything, especially the future, but he knew that with her by his side, they could face anything. When the church's gate opened, Ronin couldn't help but look up, wondering if it was Edna. Sadly, it was always someone else.

“Are ye sure ye gave her the note?” Ronin asked Lachlan probably for the fifth time.

“I did, Ronin,” he replied calmly but with annoyed eyes.

The church door opened again, and this time a young lady walked inside. Ronin noticed she looked familiar. He knew he'd seen her somewhere before. It finally hit him as she got closer, her gaze fixed on him and Lachlan. He'd seen her in the pub the night he met Edna, so she had to be a friend of hers. Hope rose in his chest, and he felt as if things were finally coming together. She moved quickly towards them.

“Hello, Ronin. I am Laura, Edna’s friend. She is waiting for ye in the woods behind the church,” Laura explained. Edna was wise by not coming inside.

“Thank you so much for coming, Laura. I have talked to the pastor, and he has agreed to perform a hand-fasting ceremony. We cannot do it here though. He said it would be better if we do it in the woods,” Ronin replied.

“That will be perfect! Ye bring the pastor then and I will tell Edna,” Ronin nodded quickly, making his way towards the back of the church.

The pastor was reading from the Bible from a small chair in one corner. Ronin prayed fervently that no new problems would arise and that hewould agree to accompany him easily and quickly. He approached the man.

“Is Edna here?” he questioned.

“She is waiting for us in the woods behind the church, just like you wanted,” Ronin replied.

“Well, let’s nae keep Edna and ye waiting any longer. It is always wonderful when a pastor can bring two hearts together who have truly found love,” he said and stood up from his chair. Ronin allowed him to lead the way as they walked outside and through the small back gate that opened directly into the woods.

Edna stood outside, ready to become his bride, to be his wife, and to spend the rest of her life with him. He was elated just thinking about it. After the dimly lit church surroundings, the bright sun hit him in the face, and he had to squint for a few seconds before finally opening his eyes.

When he did, Edna was standing right in front of him, unblinkingly staring at him with a soft smile on her lips. Ronin's breath caught in his throat as he looked at her. He already knew she was stunning; he never doubted it for a second. Today, however, she wore a simple white dress with wildflowers braided into her dark tresses. She appeared ethereal, bathed in a ray of sunlight. He was certain he had never seen anyone more beautiful. But he was marrying her for her heart. He knew that beneath that exterior was a warm and kind interior. A heart that would make his life beyond happy.

He was already smitten by her mind, heart, and gentle nature. Everything about her appealed to him. He admired her strength and the way she dealt with every problem thrown her way by those around her. She was a force to be reckoned with, and she had agreed to be his forever.

“Ronin?” Lachlan’s voice brought him out of reverie and he looked away embarrassed; knowing that he had been caught staring.

“You look beautiful,” he whispered; taking both her hands in his.

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