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Edna looked at her with a smile before answering, “Yes, I am fine, mother, are ye okay? Dae ye like the soup?”

“I dae feel better after drinking it. Yer hands certainly have a magic touch,” she said. Her mother always told her she had a magic touch whenever she made her something to eat or drink. Edna knew she would not get a better time than this to ask her about the affair. So she did.

“Can I ask ye something, mother, and will ye promise me to reply honestly?” she asked; her heart racing in her chest.

“Anything, my darling,” her mother replied; her face sporting an open expression.

“That day when ye and Bryce were talking about papa and his death, I heard yer conversation.” Edna hoped her mother would understand what she was hinting at but her mother feigned naivety instead and refused to confess anything.

“What exactly did ye hear?”

“Bryce was telling ye tae stop mourning papa because he never cared about ye anyway. He said that papa was having an affair with another woman and that was why he got killed, that it was his fate and he brought it on tae himself,” she blurted out.

“So ye heard it all,” her mother sighed; placing the empty bowl of soup on the table in front of her.

“I did,” Edna replied truthfully.

“Edna, ye tell me first. Dae ye believe all of this?”

Edna sighed deeply before answering, not knowing whether her words would hurt or console her mother, “Mama, I loved papa too much and could never believe any bad thing being said against him. I dinnae believe what I heard, that is why I am asking ye.”

“Edna, all ye need to ken is that yer father was a great man, an excellent husband, and an even better father. He loved both ye and me immensely. Ye must never ever doubt that. It is true that he was killed because of the rumors but for me, they are just that: rumors. I dinnae think there was any truth to any of them, and hence, tae this day, yer father is innocent in my eyes.”

Edna took a deep breath in, satisfied by her mother's words. She would not have been as devastated by her father's death if she had believed the rumors.

“What rumors, mama?” she asked.

“Well, ye ken that yer father was a trusted guard of the laird. The two men were very close. I think there were those in the guard who were jealous of yer father, and they accused him of betraying the laird. He was charged with treason. When he found out, he drank himself into a stupor, and in his anger, he killed yer father in front of everyone.”

“What treason?”

“There was no treason. It was rumored that the laird’s wife, Mara, had feelings for yer father. When the laird found out, he assumed an affair, and he killed Duncan,” her mother explained.

If the story was true, it meant Ronin's mother and herfather were having an affair. It all seemed impossible to her. Her father had been in love with her mother, and a man in love does not cheat.

“Are ye sure they didnae have an affair?” Edna couldn’t help but asking.

“I dinnae believe a single word. Yer father loved me with all his heart. He would never betray me with another woman. I trusted him completely, and my heart knows he did nothing wrong. I dinnae ken who it was that slandered his name. Our families have kept their distance from each other since that day, and I would wish for things to remain that way only.”

Edna took a deep breath in, realizing that staying away was no longer an option. She knew her mother was correct. Her father was a devoted husband who knew how to keep his promises. The man she had known was the most trusting and kind man, incapable of having an affair. He would never have done anything wrong to her or her mother. Edna was suddenly unsure about her decision to join their two families without informing her mother. She loathed the lairdess.This meant that convincing herabout her marriage would be even more difficult. If her father and Ronin's mother had an affair, it could imply that theyshould not be involved with each other for other reasons. Edna shuddered and felt sick to her stomach at the thought.

“Ye are right, mama. My heart knows papa was innocent and this was all just a scheme against him,” Edna replied; not knowing what else to say.

“Yes, darling. Now I will go back tae my chamber,” she said before going back upstairs. Edna missed Ronin immensely and wanted nothing more than to meet him. She wished he would show up tonight.


Edna lay wide awake, sitting straight up in the bed anytime she heard the tiniest of noises. She knew she should have gone to sleep, but it was impossible for her brain to shut down when her mind kept hoping for Ronin to show up. She wanted to see him, hug him, and simply be with him. They had gotten married yesterday; and in a perfect world, they should have been together all day today. However, they had the misfortune of not being part of an ideal world. She found contentment in the little moments of perfection in this largely imperfect setting.

Just when she was about to give up, a pebble raced through her open window and landed on the floor beside her bed. Her heart started pounding, and her lips curled up into a massive smile as she ran towards the. Her eyes were blessed, and her heart jumped around ecstatically in her chest as her gaze landed on him. He stood just below, looking as handsome as he always did.

“Help me come up,” he whispered. She went to extract the rope and he quickly climbed up.

“Ronin, I missed ye,” Edna whispered as he held her against his chest.

Ronin effortlessly picked her up and placed her on the bed while continuing to hug her. He climbed next to her. Edna sighed and snuggled closer as he placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

“I missed you too, my darling,” he finally said; making her laugh softly.
