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When I opened my eyes and glanced at Wolf, feeling a smile tug at my lips, it was to see him already staring at me. “What?” I asked softly.

He shook his head. “Nothing and no one is prettier than you.”

My belly flipped, my heart stopped, and before I knew what I was doing, I was walking up to him and rising on my toes. I placed my hands on his chest and kissed the side of his mouth.

We continued our journey, Wolf insisting that we stop every so often so that I could rest, even though I told him we didn’t have to. But I enjoyed taking our time.

I enjoyed being deep in the Alaskan woods, places few people had probably been because it was so wild and free. As time passed, the sky became darker and the promise of rain in the air became stronger.

Wolf stopped and glanced up, making a gruff sound, before looking at me. I suppressed rolling my eyes, knowing that the gleam in his eyes was his arrogance that he had been correct.

It was about to rain.

My thoughts clearly wanted to drive that stake home, because the skies opened up, and the rain fell down like a heavy blanket.

I laughed as it poured down my hands over my head in a poor excuse for an umbrella.

When I got to the outcropping, I turned and faced Wolf, seeing him standing right outside getting soaked, the water dripping off his dark fur, his teeth showing in that cute—and utterly endearing—wolfish smile of his.

“Get in here,” I called out and laughed. He loped inside, and before I could brace myself, he did a full body, very canine shake.

Water droplets flung everywhere—including on me—but I was already soaked, so all I did was laugh harder.

I stood by the entrance to this little alcove and watched the rain fall. The sound of the droplets hitting leaves had this musical lithe to it. It was beautiful.

When I turned to face Wolf, I noticed he was perched on a boulder. Before I knew his intentions, he gripped my waist and adjusted me in his lap like I was some doll he could move around at his leisure.

He stared into my eyes for so long it made me feel bare. “What?” I asked softly.

“You fill this void in me I didn’t know I had.” He took my hand and placed it on his chest, right over his heart. “Right here. You fill me right here.”

I softened against him and smiled. “Same,” I whispered, not realizing how much I meant those words until they were out in the open.

Once Wolf had me positioned the way he wanted, with our chests pressed against each other and my legs straddling his waist, he placed his enormous paw on the small of my back and leaned in to run his snout along the side of my throat.

“I’ve never smelled anything sweeter than you. You make my mouth water, my little human.”

I let my head fall to the side and closed my eyes as he scented me. I couldn’t explain the sensation I felt when he did this. It was a mixture of comfort and desire.

We just sat there, with Wolf smelling me as I ran my fingers through his thick fur. I could’ve fallen asleep this way, his colossal body cradling mine, the sound of the rain falling and birds calling out in the distance.

He was hard underneath my ass, that thick length digging into my flesh and causing me to squirm as my desire grew. I was a fiend for Wolf. His claws gripped me tighter, and he nosed my neck, pushing my hair away from my throat.

“Put me inside of you.”

The way he said that, his tone serrated and dominating, as if I wouldn’t dare deny him, had fresh moisture pooling in between my legs.

I didn’t know how I got my pants off, but here they were, my leggings hanging around one ankle, my pussy so wet I embarrassingly dripped my arousal onto his hard cock.

I looked between us, watching him grow harder, thicker, and couldn’t stop myself from reaching down and stroking him from uncut tip to wide base.

I slid my fingers down to grip his heavy, fur covered balls, the weight substantial in my palm.

He gave a harsh groan and dragged his coarse tongue along the side of my neck before licking my cheek, then my mouth, and gently probing between my lips. He was also gentle, mindful of his sharp teeth. I sucked on his tongue, twirling mine along his much larger one, and lined the tip of his dick with my pussy hole. And then I slid down in one fluid motion.

Even though we had sex several times, I didn’t think I’d ever be prepared or ready to take him. His size was just too monumental.

But I wanted that pain, wanted to feel the burning and stretching. I wanted Wolf to force his way inside, struggling because he was just so big and couldn't fully fit.
