Page 111 of Only You

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We collected our suitcases and got into the elevator. Donovan laced his fingers into mine as the car began to move. Holding hands on the ride down, I felt sad to be leaving. It was an ending to something special.

But it was the beginning of something even better.

The door opened on the ground floor. We rolled our suitcases halfway across the lobby before we realized there was someone behind the front desk, bent over and rummaging through a drawer.

“Is that… The concierge?” Donovan asked.

The man suddenly stood up. He gasped when he saw us. “You two! You are still here? But we stopped the supply packages weeks ago!”

“We made do,” Donovan said.

I handed him the key ring. “We had to use these to get in and out.”

The concierge took the keys and scowled down at me. “You were instructed to remain in your rooms.”

“Oh, we did,” Donovan quickly said. “We only came out to do laundry, and to get food at the grocery store.”

“That is all?” the concierge asked skeptically.

“That’s it,” I said. “We promise.”

The door to the restaurant flew open and a man in a white apron stormed out. He aimed an accusatory finger at the two of us and spoke in passable English.




The Day We Went Home

The flight home was only a quarter full, with the passengers spread out for safety. As soon as we reached our cruising altitude, Donovan got up from his seat and came over to sit next to me, and we spent the flight cuddling together.

Despite the nearly-empty plane, there was still a crying baby six rows behind us who made it impossible to sleep. Donovan didn’t seem to mind, but it annoyed the heck out of me.

Then I remembered that I was pregnant. I was going to have one of those soon. The realization made me nervous, but excited, too. Especially since I was going to have it with Donovan.

We landed in O’Hare, collected our bags, and walked to where my car was parked. When I inserted my parking ticket into the machine at the exit, I almost had a heart attack.

“One thousand… Oh my God!”

Donovan leaned across me and squinted at the screen. “Fifty-one days times twenty bucks a day… Wow.”

I opened my purse. “I’ll go ahead and pay it now. Maybe we can dispute it later by—”

Donovan opened the passenger door and ran in front of the car. He lifted the gate bar that was blocking our exit, pushing it up until it was vertical.

“What are you waiting for?” he said in a strained voice while holding the gate open.

I drove through, stopped so he could get back in, and then floored it. “Go go go!” Donovan shouted as we zoomed away.

“We’re outlaws now,” I said.

He nodded. “Quick, to the Indiana border!”

We laughed while racing away from the airport.

Donovan plugged the route into my GPS. “Two hours to Elkhart? Wow, you really do live in the middle of nowhere.”
